we did it for the glory

You confuse me

"Mandy wakey time" Someone whispered in my ear. It sounded annoying. "Go away" I managed to mumble. I felt someone pick me up and carry me, All I wanted to do was go back to sleep. I wondered what day it was. Maybe Tuesday or something. I didn't feel like going to school today. I tried to sit up but I was over someones shoulder. What a nice way to carry a girl. Once we got outside I was set down. "Jorel don't Carry a girl like that, You'll never get laid" I pulled out my phone and dialed home. It as 6am "Hello" My mom answered "Hey mom, I don't feel well and I stayed late at Mia's can I stay home from school" I heard her sigh. "I guess so"
I ended the conversation with my mom and walked to Mia’s car. I didn’t want to stay with the guys. lord knows what they do alone. Guys will be guys I guess. I wondered what today was. I think Wednesday. Right? My date with Jorel is Friday but we have no plans for it yet. I rubbed my eyes for a bit and found the keys to the car. Jordon will take Mia to school, I'll just drive to Mia's or something. The last thing I want is to be around George but part of me wants to be there, to annoy him and see what he will do. It's not everyday a good looking girl insults him now is it?
"Hey there where are you going" Matt comes up behind me and asks. He looks good with his curls pulled back. I have to say, I never seen a man with so much hair! I will have to tease him for this. " to Mia's or the park or someplace cause I'm playing hookie!" I said with a huge grin on my face. He looked at me confused then smiled, i guess he never ditched. 'Maybe I'll get Aaron to tag along with me" With him things are never boring. And he could give be in 411 on pain in the ass George. Which reminds me thank god he was drunk last night or those words would have never came out of this mouth. But I didn't smell too much alcohol on his breath. Which makes me wonder if he was sober enough to remember what he even said. Maybe he was just trying to get in my pants. Something I will never allow. I know better then that.
Matt walked away I guess he's staying here.I texted Aaron and see if he wanted to ditch with me. Apparently he ditched one to many times, since he isn't allowed to miss anymore school, according to his parents. That's why you fake being sick Aaron buddy.
I drove around and saw a 7-11 nearby. I decided to pull in and get myself something. I wondered around and decided on a Slurpee. Normally, I hate these things but they are good once and a while. After making my purchase I left the store and headed to the park. I wondered what Matt was up to, maybe I should have asked him to come with me since I am kind of lonely here all by myself. I guess I will be pretty bored until school ends so I can catch up on school from Mia and Jordon.
The rest of my boring afternoon went by slowly, but soon it was three.
I rode to Mia's to find her standing at her door with an unhappy look on her face "what's up" "My parents locked me out of the house" My mouth made an O shape as I dug for my key in my school bag. "So what happened at school?" I asked curious to say the least. Since Matt hasn't gone to our school I want to know what he is doing. Could it be I sense I liking to Matt? No, It can't be. "Not much except Jorel kept texting me about you for some Odd reason. You need to give him your number so you can set up plans for your date" I looked up from my bag :"Do they all know Mia" She nodded with a smirk on her face, Your all Jorel can talk about, Him and Matt actually, When we get there, let's sneak up on them and see what they say, Deal" "Perfect plan"
We got into the house, but our shit down and headed out to find the boys. I was eager to know what was being said, but more importantly, the sneak attack will let me prank George if I can. Which, is always fun.
"Looks like all their cars are here Mandy, perfection" as we pulled up I ran to the back door that lead to the basement. We went half way down and I could hear them talking
"Yeah, It's weird cause it's recent" Jo rel said, I had no idea what they where saying but I had to find out
"They both are pretty Jordon has the hots for her" "which one is he talking about" Mia whispered to me "definitely not me, it's you sister" This was getting too good,what would make it better if George said something Matt then spoke up "Mandy seems shy" I couldn't help but chuckle, these boys do not know the real Mandy at all! And I can't wait until they do "She's not just a pain in the ass" George poke up "All she does is prank on me and shit, maybe that's her way" "You have to admit G, it's funny as fuck" Dylan said. "Aaron how long have you known Mandy" I didn't know he was here " A while now, but I never seen her act like she does with George" "You think she likes you or something bro" Jordon added. Stupid bastard I do not. How could I like an annoying cocky person like George
"We all know George likes Mandy"
What "I told you Mandy he does" I was now confused. "he's a weird guy, didn't I tell you what happened that night" She nodded, We decided to leave and see the guys tomorrow. I think I had enough of George's confessions for one day