we did it for the glory

Georgie Porgie pudding and pie,kissed the girls and made them cry

Mia and I walked through the halls as we always did on our was to our classes. We didn't have many classes together but and it sucked. Most of the guys didn't go to our school or maybe they didn't go to school at all for that matter. But I didn't want to hear about George for another second. If what he said was true, I bet he lied. Do men even tell the truth anymore?

I watched as people passed us as they made their way to another class in the same old school with the same boring people. "I"m going to talk to Jordon and see if he will tell me anything about what he over heard" I nodded and continued to spin the dial on my locker. The bell rang and I hurried off to Math without Mia, who had it later on in the day. I barely paid any attention to the stupid lesson Mrs. reeve was talking about. I think it was about sin or something confusing. When they mix the alphabet with numbers you may was hell sleep thought the entire thing.

The bell rang forty minutes later. "I have news for you" I gave Mia a questionable look. I really wanted a soda from 7 11 again. "Mandy did you hear a word I said" I shook my head no. Maybe it was important. "According to Jordon, George most likely meant what he said that night" "So what does this mean for me? That I have to be all nice and not annoy him for him to ask me out, Jorel asked med out way before him" I said while beginning to climb up the stairs. I think we all forgot about the date I had with Jorel. But we never exchanged Numbers or anything like that. Who knows if this date is still in existence. I took a seat next to Mia as our English teacher began to talk. I noticed we had someone new in this class. I think Mr. Myer said his name was Todd or something.
I threw a piece of paper at Charlie scene who gave me the middle finger as he turned around. I continued to hit him with paper until he began to hit me back with some. We where on a full on paper throwing war when Mr. Myer stopped us. "You two, after class" oops, I guess miss goodie goodie is moving out of me fast.

When class ended Both me and Jordon stayed after so Mr. Myer can talk to us about the paper war we had. And I bet he won't be too happy. I barely listened to his lecture on how to be on the best behavior and all but it didn't matter, I wanted to have some fun. Aren't teenagers supposed to do that?

School ended a few hours later an all I wanted to do was sleep. Mia was going over to Jordons to dig up more on George, But I doubt he will say anything if she is there. Maybe I'll drop in on him to mess with George. I went home and headed st right for the bed. How I missed the summer, where I could sleep all day and stay up all night, do whatever I pleased and not give a crap about anything. Now with school, there is no free time. Bummer.

I felt my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket "Hello" I answered "Hey, it's me can you come By Jordon's, George will pick you up, he doesn't know it's you he's going to get" I felt myself smirk as wide as I could. "Perfect" "Oh and Jorel wants to set your date up see you soon" Mia hung up the phone as I pressed the end button. I went downstairs to get my shoes My mom was watching Caddy again "Mom, can I go over to Mia's, I may stay overnight" "That's fine" I saw the car pull up and skipped my way outside,

"Hiya Georgy porgy" I sang in his ear, the man looked like he wanted to kill me. I know I will have a fun ride with him. Of course the drive was silent due to him nor I not knowing what to say. I was thinking of a way to annoy the crap out of him. But I couldn't think of one yet. I haven't bugged him the whole way and now we arrived at our destination. Damn George and I got out of the car at the same time, he slammed his side of the car door hard with almost caused me to jump "I see someone's not happy to see me" He turned around and I could see he was glaring at me. I don't think I will ever know why he hates me so much. I bet he lied about what he said. "Go inside" I did what he said and went to find the others.