Sequel: An Undying Love.
Status: Comment. Updates on Weekends or when I'm free ;)

Beautiful Monster

You know that I want you and You know That I need you...

“Nice to meet you Annie” I was so confused.
“Again you are who?”
“Hades dear.”
“Oh M Gee Hades!!” Ramona shouted will running to hug him.
“Ramona dear how are you?”
Me and Coby stared at them really confused.
“I am fine how my favorite dad is?”
“Woah! Wait hold that thought!” I shouted.
“What?” Ramona asked.
“He is your dad?”
“Well yeah I am part god and part werewolf.”
“The what?” I was confused beyond understanding.
“Annie dear Ramona is one of my three daughters.”
“Hades haves daughters?” Coby asked.
“Of course, Ramona part werewolf, Val part demon and Annie part witch.”
“God of the underworld say what!” I shouted.
“You are my daughter.” He stated simply. “I wish that bitch would had not you erased your memory.”
“Memory? Wait who is” Coby cut me off “You mean that whore erased her memory why?”
“We discuss that later for now let’s enjoy the family reunion” Did Hades just smile?
“This is beyond weird”
“You know I for once doubted that you weren’t Hades daughter but then again you aren’t afraid of slapping a demon and cursed a vampire.” Coby said laughing.
“That is not funny Coby!” I glared at him.
“Awww C’mon Annie you know is funny.”
“Ramona let’s leave this two alone we have some catching up to do and Annie I will talk to you later along with Mr. keep it in your pants!” I started laughing at Coby’s face.
“Now that’s funny”
“Shut up!”
Ramona and Hades left to talk alone and as for me and Coby well I was mad at him even tho he saved me from that asshole.
“Can we talk?” Coby asked.
“About what? Where you been the last 6 months? Or Why did you just leave me? Or why you just keep appearing and disappearing all the time? Or why now you want me safe here? Or the fact that you call me a witch? Explain yourself!”
“Annie those are a lot of questions!”
“We have all the time in the world Coby.” I said sitting down on my bed. I was in my room did I mention that? No, well I am. I was unpacking when Mr. Keep it in your pants came in.
“Annie I’m sorry I couldn’t stay there but I could not be around you when I am the most wanted Demon.” Trust me I want you too.
“I don’t care!”
“Well I do I will not let anyone hurt you again!”
“I just don’t want you to leave my side again.” I whispered.
“I’m not going to leave you, I’ve never left you, and I was always there with you.”
“Yeah Right.” I rolled my eyes.
“You are making it difficult to apologize!”
“Well then don’t!” He sighed. “Why are you so mad?”
“Because you left me.” I stated simply. “I was hurt you left me for almost 7 months! Now you expect me to be happy with you, I mean I am thankful about not letting that asshole rape me but I am still mad at you.”
After I said that the room was silent until he got up and walked to where I was. He hugged me and whispered 3 simple words. “I love you.”
“What?” I asked.
“I love you.” He repeated.
“Is that supposed to make everything you’ve done up till now ok?” I asked.
“No of course not.” He said.
“Am I supposed to just fall into your arms happy and tell you I love you too and kiss you till it makes me weak in the knees and my heart race?” Tears began filling my eyes.
“Because if you ever think that’s going to happen…” he kissed me. I locked on to his mouth feverishly and wrapped my arms around his neck. Locked my hands together tightly so he could never leave me again and something in this kiss told me he never wanted too. He laid me bed on the bed his lips still moving with mine. He pulled back to look me in my eyes again.
“I love you too.” I whispered. He kissed me again but this time his hands run up and down the sides of my body. Then urgency behind this kiss had a new edge to it, one with passion and ecstasy.
“I thought I said to Mr. Keep it in your pants to keep it in his pants!” I heard Hades or should I say Papa voice.
“You have to be kidding me” Coby mumble while I was laughing.
“Now I want you two to be in the leaving room.” He left laughing.
“I think he likes to torment me” I was still laughing.
“Well if you are going to be with me you have to get use to that.”
“Now that’s comforting”
“C’mon before he gets in here and actually sends us to the actual underworld.” We laughed.
“Quick kiss?”
“No!” I shouted and went running towards the living room.
“You are going to pay for that Annie!” I laughed.
“I am not afraid of you!”
“You should be.” He whispered in my ear, damn I forgot he was a demon, a quite handsome demon. He hugged me and rests his forehead with mine.
“We have to go…” I began to whisper but again Papa voice interrupts “Get your asses in here you disgusting creatures!”
We enter the living room and Papa was with Ramona and two people I have never seen in my entire life.
“Okay Hades since you interrupt a lot what do you want?” Coby snapped. Man I love to watch him get mad!
“Shut up Shaddix and sit down we have a lot to discuss!” The stranger said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment good bad.

Dedicated to my subs because idk who you are and to

Thank you for commenting!

Title Credit: Bad Romance- Lady Gaga