Status: don't be a silent reader, please :)

Don't Fight It

T W O.

"Yeh comin' to the bonfire tonigh'?" Ben asks, fixing his leather jacket and looking at himself in the mirror.

I looked up from my laptop and nodded. "Yeah, of course I am." I shut the device and took it as a chance to get ready.

I pulled my suitcase out from besides my bunk and picked out anything cute I could get my hands on. When I finally got my clothes, I set out to change in the bathroom. It was occupied by Sam who was drying his hair. I pushed him father in to make more room for me.

"Yeh do know 'm in 'ere, righ'?" Sam acknowledged as he watched me strip down to my undergarments. I ignored his comment until I felt his fingers run down my sides, making me wince. I almost forgot about the bruises. "Did I do tha'?"

I looked at him, hoping he'd believe me if I lied. "Yeah, we were pretty drunk yesterday." I nodded and pulled my shirt over me.

He only hummed and continued on with his business. I fixed up my hair in a loose bun before walking to the front to meet the others. Everyone was here besides Danny who, most likely, was already at the party with Myca. We each decided to wait on Sam so we could all arrive together. But I had plans on meeting up with Austin again.

"Done," Sam announced, coming into view.

We all piled out of the bus and down to the beach that was close by. The sun had already gone down and a large flame could be seen. My fingers intertwined with Sam's as we quickly got ourselves some drinks.

"I'll just have a bottle of water." I told Sam while he got himself a cup of Mike's Hard Lemonade. He handed me my desired drink before I thanked him.

My eyes scanned over the familiar faces, in hopes for Of Mice & Men. Wherever his friends were, he would be close by. I finally found him, sitting close by the water but not close enough to get wet. I sighed and continued to linger around Sam while he chatted with his band mates. There was a smile on my face, although I wasn't happy. I'd rather be in Austin's company rather than being a silent fool over here. I would steal small glances at him and would catch him looking at us with a sad emotion. I saw him stand up from his spot on the sand and noticed he was about to leave.

"Babe, I think I just started my period. I'll be back soon." I whispered and snuck out from under his arm.

Sam pondered a bit, probably debating if he should come with me or not. I hope he didn't, honestly. "Okay then," He kissed my temple and let me go.

I ran after Austin before he could reach his bus. Once I got a hold of him, I grabbed his arm and spun him around so he was looking directly at me.

"Where are you going?" I questioned, pouting.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his dark hair. "Do you know how much it kills me to see you with Sam like that? I want you so bad, yet you keep him hanging around like a piece of dead skin."

"I'll leave him once tour ends." I tattered with the zipper of his jacket. "I just have to keep doing their merch right now since Katie can’t do it alone."

Austin tilted his head back and groaned out lightly. "Promise?"

"Promise," I repeated. "So, are you gonna go inside or join the rest of us again?"

He stared at the crowd behind my shoulder then back at me. I watched as he bit his lower lip and jerked his shoulders forward. "I guess I'll come back."

I smiled and kissed his cheek before leading him back to the bonfire. We parted ways so we didn't look suspicious: he stayed back by the water and I walked back to Sam.

"Aye, wha' took yeh so long?" Sam inquired, pulling me into him for the second time tonight.

"I had to find Heather to see if she had any pads." I said, referring to Alan's girlfriend. "She ran out so I had to buy some across the street."
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