Status: in progress

Of Ramen and Secret Meetings


Hayley woke me up sufficiently early, which nearly earned her the generous reward of getting socked in the face. It was just a reflex really, I didn’t mean it, but she announced, having barely missed my fist, that from now on she was just going to throw things at me until I awaken. I can’t say I approve of the idea but I understand her not wanting to get injured, as I am admittedly a violent sleeper.

I dressed slowly, wanting to impress whoever was out there on my first day without looking like I’d spent an hour in front of the mirror (which I did). Finally I decided on some ripped black jeans and a pinkish Ramones shirt that Hayley lent me. Luckily me only being 5’5” and fairly skinny, we fit in each other’s clothes. This would be helpful I just knew it because from what I’d seen of her closet it was pretty impressive.

Make-up was easy, foundation, eyeliner, and lipstick. Some days I would actually wear my eye shadow but most days it felt unnecessary. The only thing I really had to worry about was getting my hair to cooperate. Imagine if kesha had blue and pink hair, then put her hair on me. The only difference would be that instead of embracing the wavy mess I straightened the shit out of it every morning.

“You ready?” Hayley knocked on the door as I finished straightening my mess.

I nodded before realizing she couldn’t see me and called out “yeah!”

“We have breakfast in the cafeteria first, so- oh.” Hayley cut off when a brunette about my size exited the second room.

She smiled a little and walked out the door, I assume to go to breakfast.

“That’s Demi.” She explained. “She’ll talk to you once she warms up to you but Megan will probably forbid it so don’t expect much.”

I just nodded. Hayley’s stomach growled loudly then.

She chuckled. “I need food.”

Then she promptly lent over and rested a hand on her stomach.

“Stop yelling at me!” she laughed.

“So breakfast?” I asked heading for the door.

“YES!” she cheered behind me.

The cafeteria wasn’t packed but it definitely looked like everyone in the building was there at the moment. I could easily see cliques starting to form. Hayley began to point our a few people here and there as she led me towards hers.
Two blondes inhabited the table we landed at as well as a pinkette like me.

“This is Shiloh.” Hayley said digging into her salad.

I didn’t even know where she got the salad, because the food line only had things like hash browns and breakfast burgers. The pinkette caught my curious glance and smiled.

“Hayley’s vegan, so they provide her and the other vegans different food.”

Hayley nodded and tried to say something, but her mouth was full so she gave up.

“Thanks.” I said, taking a huge bite of my first hash brown. I’d picked up five. What can I say, I sort of have an addiction to this shit. Hash browns = best breakfast ever.

“I’m Sherri by the way.” Pinky smiled. “These are my sisters, Chauntelle and Stacy.”

The two blondes smiled.

I’ve always believed that between siblings, there will be one who just has the best genes. It sounds shallow but don’t argue with me, you know its true. Stacy, to me, was easily that person in the DuPree family. The other two were pretty two, but damn.

Chauntelle was the mature looking one, kind of quite and smart looking while Sherri just looked fun.

“I’m, yeah.” I paused for a moment realizing Hayley had already introduced me.

Stacy chuckled. “So do you have enough hash browns?”

I shook my head. “Jesus no! These things are heavenly.”

She smiled before a loud bell rang and she and her sisters began to collect their trash.

“so, maybe I’ll see you in class?” Stacey smiled as she walked off.

“yeah.” I called after her, glancing down at my schedule which Hayley had miraculously not forgotten, since I clearly had.

“See you later then?” she smiled.

The couch was actually quite a comfortable place and having a huge tv hooked up in front of it didn’t exactly contradict that. I sat there watching spongebob for a good three hours before Hayley announced I should get ready to go see the guys. Because really, who doesn’t love spongebob?
I hadn’t really planned on doing anything special to meet a bunch of guys until Hayley came out in a black and white striped sun dress.

“Is this meeting stuff special or?” I asked mentally going through my entire wardrobe thoroughly for something appropriate to wear.

“Well, I mean, some people like to dress up nice, you know, if they think I guy is hot or, um, need to impress someone.”

I noticed the way she almost stuttered over certain words and kept looking around, never keeping her gaze one place for too long.

“Who are you trying to impress?” I chuckled.

“What? I’m not-“

“Yes you are Hayles, you’ve even just said it yourself!”

“I, um. Promise not to tell anyone?” she asked perching on the back of the couch like she had when I’d met her.

I took it as a sign she did this often.

“I barely know anyone to tell.” I chuckled.

“His name is Jimmy.” She gushed before ushering me towards my room.

Her exact words were “he’s a little unusual, but I find him hot now get dressed better or I’ll kill you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
still going, but the last one for tonight, since it's 4 am and i probably should sleep now. but most likely i wont.