Status: in progress

Of Ramen and Secret Meetings

Brooklyn Hype

Room 205 wasn’t packed per say, but it was more people than I had expected. I had thought it would be a sort of thing for a certain group of people, but apparently it was a school wide thing, as two cornflake girls sat in one corner, and Lindsey and Amy inhabited the next. Hayley was flitting around between people, making comfortable small talk while waiting for the call.

The plan was that when the boys arrived they’d ring us, though we don’t know who yet, and then they’d tell us where they were. We had a tech team, or so I was informed, that were taking out security while we sat here so that escape wasn’t all that hard. If I were the worrying type person I’d say the school needed better security, but I’m not, so instead I laughed at the fact. As if understanding a few other girls laughed with me.

For the most part they were a friendly bunch. Hayley introduced me while Lindsey took care of those who were mean. I felt like a little kid in a way, with over protective parents, but I was really grateful for it. No one bothered to stop Megan (who I’d finally met) from glaring, but then again I don’t think anyone really could. No matter how hard they tried. Her frown seemed pretty permanent.

It wasn’t long before a shrill melody was heard and all eyes turned to whoever possessed the phone. It was, Megan of course, and she smiled deeply into the phone. I figure she enjoyed having all the attention on her.

“Gabe says to go to the back of the cafeteria. He says there’s a low hanging window and he’s parked beneath it.” Megan announced a moment later, shutting her tiny electronic.

“Woot!” a tiny black haired girl fist pumped.

I noticed Hayley and the twins laugh at that.

“Excited?” I asked the girl and she nodded vigorously. “It’s my first time.”

“Cool, mine too!” I high-fived her.

“My name’s Cooro.” She grinned. “Cooro Augustine.”

“Shiloh green.”

“You’re pretty cool Shiloh.” She giggle before flitting off to the front of the crowd as we all began to move.

Hayley caught up with me in no time, grabbing my hand and holding tight until we reached the cafeteria safely.

“Okay, listen to me Shi.” She turned to me, her voice hushed. “If we get caught doing this, we could very likely get expelled. Last chance, are you sure you want to do this?”

I nodded.

“Alright, keep your eyes open, and if you see someone run, or hide. Whichever you’d do better at the time got it? There’s a signal.”

She did a sort of two-fingered salute.

“If you see trouble, alert everyone else. Similarly watch for that sign as well.”

I had questions, but I didn’t get a chance to ask before she was hopping out the now open window. I was glad I hadn’t worn heels.

As the other girls piled through I processed it all. It was only about a six-foot drop to the ground and I could already see two vans parked a little ways away. Taking a deep breath I pulled myself out the window, closing it firmly behind me as I was last. There was a system with the vans, I knew there was, but I couldn’t find Hayley to explain it.

“You go with your friends.” A guy from the first van called out in a hushed voice.

“Thank you.” I called back, searching for Hayley.

“Shi!” I heard her, from the second van.

I scrambled quickly into the passengers seat, as from the looks of it the back was full.

“This must be how Rebecca black feels.” I muttered.

The guy driving turned and looked at me before smiling widely and bursting into song as he followed the other van out to god knows where.

“It’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!” he sang, many voices joining in from the back.

I didn’t join in because, well, I can’t sing but I listened intently as they all continued, eventually switching to other songs. There were a few voices that stood out particularly in the stuffed vehicle.

The drivers of course, not only because I was right next to him but because his voice was truly very unique and a bit theatrical. His look seemed to match his voice too. He wore a semi formal white shirt with a light jacket over it, but not like a hoodie type thing, a somewhat formal looking thing. With of course, skinny jeans. His brown hair was short but also kind of shaggy and overall he looked very….handsome?

Then there was Hayley in the back who, dear god, her voice was amazing. What I would give to have vocal chords like hers. The twins voices were a little flat sounding at times but they did sound very good.
My attention wasn’t focused on the girls tonight though. I was more inspecting the guys to see who I’d like to see again if this trip proved worth it. There was a guy with longish black hair sitting next to Lindsey, his left arm around her waist while his right arm was busy sketching in a worn out notebook. I assumed him to be Gerard. Then of course to the left of him was a shorter guy with tattoos and piercings who at one point I think Lindsey called Frank.

Either way I would come to learn their names during the drive, all except for the driver, who while providing commentary and joking around never identified himself. I was also told who else was here on the other van and that we were headed to the same place; a strip mall with a Starbucks and an arcade amongst various other little shops.

But what it all sorted down to really was who I got along with based on this little encounter. Van one housed the people I hadn’t really met yet. Gabe Saporta, William Beckett, Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Cooro Augustine, Taylor Iardine, Vanessa Hudgens, and Megan Fox. It was also a smaller van which explained why a majority of the people were crammed into van two.

Hayley, Tegan and Sara Quin, Lindsey, Spencer Smith, Gerard Way, Alex Gaskarth, Josh Franceschi, Jeremy Davis, Taylor York, Jimmy Urine, and the driver were all shoved into the twelve-passenger van with me.

I had to resist the urge to giggle at the way Hayley was squished up between Taylor and Jeremy and still trying to harmlessly flirt with Jimmy. I understood what she meant now about him being unusual. He was tall and lanky and his dark hair was spiked up loosely in the back. He didn’t seem to mind their flirting either, as he teased her playfully right on back.

“Do they do that often?” I asked the driver.

He smiled and nodded. “For the past few trips at least. They didn’t used to, they didn’t even talk to each other.”

I nodded. “Guess something happened.”

“We have to be back by 11:30, so meet up at the vans around 11:15.” He announced parking in the mall spaces, as everyone climbed out to begin stretching and primping.

“hey, um, what’s your name?” I managed to ask before his legs could carry him off. I’d be lying if I said he didn’t intrigue me.

“Brendon.” He smiled and walked off towards Starbucks.
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yay i'm still writing for once!