Status: in progress

Of Ramen and Secret Meetings

Evening Wear

When Jimmy’s face appears in your window at 1:35 am on a Wednesday your natural instinct is to scream, no matter how harmless Jimmy looks. And by the time I’d actually opened the window to see what the fuck he wanted I was read to punch him and push him to the ground, but I was actually a little to impressed by how he’d managed to get three stories in the air without a tree to help.

“What do you want?” I hissed groggily. “And how did you get up here.”

“We climbed, duh.” She chuckled. “Let us use your Xbox.”

“Pardon?” I rubbed my eyes.

“Let. Us. Use. Your. Xbox.” He grinned madly.

“Who’s us?”

“Me, Alex, Pete, Patrick, Jack, Spencer, and Brendon. Oh and Cooro, we kidnapped her!”

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and stared blankly at him.

“I am the mastermind, it’s just a problem of mine.” He giggled.

“Yeah whatever, just come in before you fall.”

I stepped back and watched as the 8 teens miraculously climbed through the 3rd story window.

“If you wake up Demi, she’ll kill you.” I warned, having accidentally set her aflame two nights prior by tripping over out couch with a loud thud.

Jimmy shrugged. “What’s the worse she can do? Kill us?”

That didn’t make sense to me at all, because yes. She could kill them.
I just let it pass and let them file into the living room where someone, Jimmy maybe turned everything on and blasted it.

I knew Demi would hate that and in only a matter of seconds I heard her door slam open.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!” she screeched clearly surprised by the male presences.

“playing!” Alex said confidently.

I didn’t even have to be out there to know that Demi simply huffed and went back to bed.
It went on for hours, the gaming.

Pete and Patrick were content to give commentary it seemed, since when they talked it was in a calm or playful tone. Unlike Cooro, Alex, Jack, and Spencer as I could hear their various complaints.

“I’m tired of dying!” Cooro would whine every few minutes while Jimmy would just laugh.

Eventually I heard Hayley stumble out of her room and I guess Jimmy abandoned the game because Cooro was cheering about losing an opponent and an easy kill.

I was almost asleep again, through all the commotion by some miracle when a soft knock came at my door.

“Jimmy, no, go away I wanna sleep!”

“S’not Jimmy.” Said a voice that was easily just as distinctive as Jimmy’s.

“Fine, come in.” I grumbled burying my face in my pillow.

I was a little embarrassed to have a guy in my room while I looked like this, all messy and tired. I don’t think he minded though, he just plopped down on the bed beside me.

“Sorry, you don’t mind do you?” he asked.

I just shook my head into the pillow.

“Sorry we’ve invaded.” He sighed. “The boys academy is a lot stricter on having stuff like games. When Pete found out you guys had this stuff he rounded everyone up.”


Brendon chuckled and laid back, keeping a safe distance from me and remaining above the covers.

“Shiloh?” he was slowly getting quieter as he spoke.


“I know I don’t know you very well, but the couch is occupado so can I sleep in here?”

I pulled my head up and looked at him. He did genuinely look tired, and I didn’t take him for the kind of person who would try any funny business while I was sleeping. Plus I could understand the need to sleep at oh, you know, 3:30 am.

“Stay on your side, and don’t try anything.” I grumbled, falling back onto the pillow and finally getting some sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah, still writing, i hope to be done with at least 7 chapters by the end of today, but i'm not sure if i actually will manage that.