Status: in progress

Of Ramen and Secret Meetings


Sunlight pretty much raped my eyes as it beamed in through the window that had been left open from last night. For a brief moment I wondered if the boys had left yet, but my question was answered by the arms around my waist. I nearly socked Brendon, I did. Because I kind of forgot I had allowed him in momentarily and I thought he was some freaky rapist. Like, hide yo kids, hide yo wives, they rapin’ erebody out there! But no, sadly I’m not Antoine Dodson and luckily Brendon is not a rapist so everything turned out well and I caught myself before I punched him. Plus that would have been really unfair considering the fact that I was sort of snuggled into his chest.

I did manage to wake him up though.

He blinked a few times, squinting his eyes shut even harder as the sun attacked him too.
He seemed to process the fact that his arms were around my waist at the same time I processed that I hadn’t moved them, because we both sort of jumped back a little.

“Shit, sorry.” He said sitting up and running his hand through his hair.

“S’okay.” I grumbled. “But, you guys gotta go now. We have classes.”

Brendon nodded hopping out of bed and pulling me up beside him.

“Lets go wake everyone.” He stretched.

Now, some days more than other I decide that being evil isn’t necessarily bad, and when people are sleeping I’m going to be as loud at physically possible.

I grabbed Brendon’s hand and drug him quietly into the kitchenette. For a moment I didn’t want to let his hand go but I did. It’d be a little weird if I didn’t you know.

I searched as quietly as I could through the cabinets looking for pans, metal pans.

“What are you looking for?” Brendon whispered coming up beside me and scaring the shit out of me.

“Pans.” I whispered back with a cheshire grin.

He chuckled softly and began to search as well, and when we’d both found a pan we set to work.

“Alright, we stand behind the couch and do it like a high-five.” I instructed him as we moved into place.

I took a moment to glance down at the children collapsed on the floor/on the couch.

Cooro and Pete sat propped up against the table leaning their heads on one another while Alex and Jack had taken the couch shoving their feet in each others faces as they slept soundly. The cutest though was by far Hayley and Jimmy. They’d made a fort of sorts in the corner of the room using pillows and blankets like I was forbidden to do when I was 6 and inside of it they’d curled up using each other for warmth rather than a blanket. I nearly took a picture of it, and I would definitely be playing matchmaker between the two at some point.

“You ready?” Brendon chuckled noticing Patrick and Spencer slumped over with game controllers still in their hands.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

With that we aimed and slammed our pans together with an obnoxiously loud CLANG!
The pillow fort collapsed.

Hayley crawled out twitching slightly and Jimmy followed suit. Jack managed to kick Alex in the face as he sprung to life and Alex just fell to floor with a thud and an “ow.”

Pete lazily opened one eye as if he was used to it and went back to sleeping on Cooro who hadn’t even woken up. LIKE A BOSS.

I was pretty sure my laughing was obnoxious to the other but I couldn’t bring myself to give a shit, a was doubled over with my hands on my stomach laughing all it was worth.

Brendon wasn’t quite as amused as I was but I definitely heard him chuckling.
Then he stopped.

Curious I glanced up to see most of the room glaring at us and getting to their feet.

“Just as a thought.” Brendon leant over and whispered in my ear. “We should run.”

And run we did, to my room where I locked the door and hid behind the bed. The furious knocking on the door and shouts of “You’re dead Urie!” did scare me a little but at least I was safe.

“Urie?” I asked him.

“Last name.” He shrugged.

I pondered it for a moment. Brendon Urie. Shiloh Urie.
I actually slapped myself for that one earning a strange look from my floor mate.
I blame him though really. I mean, it’s his fault he’s hot, not mine. I just can’t help but being attracted to him, he earns it so well.

“So.” He sighed. “Guess I’m not leaving.”

I quirked and eyebrow and pointed towards the window.
“Yeah, you can climb up it, but going down would be a death wish. Jimmy had a plan but I doubt I’ll be included in it now. In fact they’ve probably already left.”

He was observant, I hadn’t even noticed the banging on the door stop.
I frowned. “Sorry.”

He just smiled. “it’s not your fault silly, he’s just pissy sometimes.”

“Well, then you’ll have to hide in here all day. I’ll get you out of here tonight okay?”

He nodded and we stood.
Unlocking the door I took a quick peek outside to discover that Brendon was right, the males were gone and Hayley was in the middle of packing her class work.

She caught my eye and frowned slightly before whining “Why’d you have to wake me up, we were this close?”

Her hand gestures only made her sentiments more amusing and I smiled and shrugged in return.

“You should start getting ready, we all slept in. Class starts in like, a half an hour.”

With that she was off to breakfast.

I turned back to Bredon, and then to the mirror which revealed my messy wavy hair. Sleeping on it does that, makes it wavy again.

I sighed and set to work.
♠ ♠ ♠
Still going, this is mainly just filler. I can't get to the real stuff yet, sorry. And i keep typing Brendong.