Status: It's going, maybe

FinalHeart Investigations

A Life of Crime

Zexion sighed, he didn't want to be here, all he wanted to do was finish his entrance exams and live a crime free life. Fat chance of that happening when his Uncle was one of the biggest crime lords around.
“This way, Lord Zexion.” a servant called and lead him through countless rooms before stopping in a large meeting room decorated with Lilacs. The servant gave a small bow and said “Please wait a moment” before leaving the room, presumably in search of his master.
Zexion’s curiosity was perked, why would his Uncle call a meeting with him? They hardly ever spoke and when they did it was only for his business, not that Zexion was interested in the family business anyway.
A door clicked and Zexion turned, meeting the gaze of his Uncle. With silver hair and green eyes some would call him handsome, obviously they had no idea about his creepy personality.
“Zexion,” Sephiroth said with a smile.
“Uncle.” Zexion replied.
“I’ll get to the point, then. It’s time for you to get involved in the business, you’re going to come with me and inspect the new…” Sephiroth paused, “Cargo.” He decided smelling a lily. Zexion raised an eyebrow at his choice of words, “But Uncle.” He protested weakly almost going so far as to use an exclamation mark, “I don’t want to be involved in the family business, it’s not my way.”
Sephiroth rolled his eyes, “you’re going with me and that’s final. You’re in it whether you want to be or not. We are the most powerful people here, I can’t have them thinking you’re weak.”
Zexion rolled his eyes and sighed, no-one could have their way when Sephiroth was around.
“Very well, when do we leave?”


Axel Vancovski grinned to himself as he observed the people within the room, the country’s rich and powerful were gathered in the room before him. All for the same thing as Axel, to catch a glimpse at the foreigners before they went on sale.
In front of him a couple started whispering and it soon spread throughout the room, he was here. The rich brat.
A hush seemed to fall over the room as the door opened and in stepped a silver-haired male, his blue eyes pierced the crowd searching for someone. He took a step forward and soon moved quickly through the crowd of awestruck imbeciles.
Riku approached the flame haired boy with a scowl, Axel was wearing the cocky smug look again. “What are you smirking about lobster head?” Riku demanded glaring at the too-tall-for-everyone-idiot-pyromaniac, “and why are there so many people? He told me there would only be about Five of us!”
Axel winced at his friend, “well…” He paused to gather his words and didn’t notice a hush fall over the room, again.
“Well?” Came a deep voice, “I would like to know how a small gathering has turned into a party, Axel.” Axel turned and flinched at the sight of Sephiroth and a youth behind him.
“Ya see….” He trailed off and jumped as yet another voice came from behind him.
“Are you going to explain, Red?” Axel turned and took a step backwards, the boy who spoke had materialised directly behind him out of the shadows, and looked uncannily like a demon with his black hair and gold eyes.
“Vanitas…” Axel looked at Riku and mouthed help. Riku rolled his eyes and smiled slightly, looking at his watch he spoke. “You guys can kill him later, it’s about to start and these people are still here,” Riku clicked his fingers and Heartless started pushing people out of the building.
“Thank you for clearing that up, Ricky.” A voice called accompanied by the sweet smell of roses. Riku twitched and muttered something about fairies under his breath as he turned to face the host of their little party.
“Marluxia. Leave the orphan alone, as much as I do enjoy his suffering we need to get onto business. Where are the foreigners?” Sephiroth asked Marluxia with a hint of impatience.
“Now now!” Marluxia sang, waving a hand about, “We don’t want to rush and besides who is the boy behind you? Your latest prey?”
Zexion felt his face redden but kept silent, it wouldn’t do to incur the wrath of his Uncle’s associates.
Sephiroth raised an eyebrow at the thought of that with his nephew. “No. Allow me to introduce my brother’s spawn, Zexion.”
Zexion glared at his shoes, wishing he was back in his room filling out his entrance form. Marluxia gave Sephiroth a look that- to Zexion- said, Puh-lease, like I’d believe that.
Vanitas gave an impatient sigh while the other two covered their mouths trying not to be heard. “Can we get on with it, now that you’ve had your little chat?” Vanitas demanded with a scowl on his face.
“Very well, right this way Gentlemen. Axel.” Marluxia sang and led them into a slightly smaller room with a small stage at one end. Five young men sat at the edge of the stage, one heartless behind each, glaring out at the newly formed crowd. Well, they would have been glaring if they were not blindfolded.
“These are them, then.”
Cloud twitched, he was getting sick of hearing that. By now they all knew who the pink haired man was.
Marluxia Darin head of the slave industry and their current captor. Had a tendency to smell like flowers and owned a cat called Cuddles, poor creature. Graduate of Bastion University, he studied under a mystery person using the name Maleficent and completed a bachelor degree in Business and People ownership, a degree for owning or controlling the distribution of slaves- legally or not- in Shinra.

Zexion looked at the five boys- they were no more than teenagers!- and realisation dawned on his face. “These.....These are Eurekians!” he exclaimed in horror. Of all the things his Uncle had to drag him into it had to be the affairs of another country, and one they just happened to have an unspoken war with.
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” Riku smirked at the new comer, he clearly hadn’t been filled in on the situation.
Axel sighed, he might as well show pity to the new boy, “they aren’t just Eurekians. They’re spies that were captured on our land, meaning we have the right to do with them as we please.”
Hearing this Roxas couldn’t help but snarl. “We were on neutral territory! You had no right to take us! Besides, what proof do you have that we’re spies?”
“We could’ve been on holiday.” Sora added.
Demyx hung his head, Roxas had practically admitted that they were spies. His life was officially over.
“So you are spies!” Axel crowed triumphantly, it was a suspicion that was now confirmed. Roxas frowned, “That is not what I said! What I said was-” Ven cut him off.
“What are you going to do with us?”
Silence fell and the entire team stiffened at the answer.

“Extract the information we need, and after? Well....” Marluxia smirked cruelly, for his benefit if not Zexions.
“Eurekians fetch a high price on the black market, you know.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter and the paragraphing is still happening, gawd.
And i suppose it's another cliffhanger too, huh.
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