Status: May or May Not Have More Chapters

My Heart Is on My Sleeve

Chapter 1

“I just don’t want to, Pete. Can we leave it at that?” Patrick asks, trying to push his way past me.
“Slow down, ‘Trick. We’re not finished talking. Pushing Patrick back inside his office, I lock the door and steal his special spinney chair before he gets the chance. “Tell me why and I’ll consider letting you free.” I tell him, smirking and spinning in his chair like a two year old who found his parents alcohol cabinet unlocked.
“Pete, I have work to do.” Patrick’s using his serious tone, which I am usually scared of, but today I’m on a mission.
“Your computers right there, you can do your precious work and think of a reason not to date the amazing creature that is I.” Patrick rolls his eyes, sighing at me, but starts his computer up nonetheless. We sit in silence for awhile before I realize that I’m hungry and bored.
“Imma get Gabe and William to bring us some food. You want anything?” I ask, already having opened a message on my Side-kick. “Coffee.” Patrick says, eyes still staring blankly at his empty computer screen, his fingers only touched the keys to type his password.
‘’Tricks office. Bring coffee, food, Bilvy and Mikey. Bored shitless.’ I type, my fingers knowing Gabe’s number by heart.
Staying silent after the clicking of the keys, I rack my brain for something to say.
“Thought of a reason yet?” Is all my extremely inventive brain comes think up, so I go with it.
“Not one good enough for you.” Patrick says as Mikey, unknowing that the door is locked, crashed into ‘Trick’s office door. I was laughing so hard at Mikey that I tripped over my own feet, which I still maintain is a rare skill, and land head-first in Patricks lap. Patrick and I both turn a bright shade of red as Gabe knocks on the window and yells “No office blowjobs!” I struggle to stand up and let our 3 closest friends and room-mates in, I get there eventually, even if I still stumble.
“So why’d you kidnap Patrick?” Mikey asks, noticing the way I make sure the door is locked and the keys are safely in my pocket.
“I won’t fuck him.” Patrick tells him, cuddling the coffee William handed him.
“I don’t want to fuck you, well I do. But I want more than that, I want to date you “Trick. I wanna be yours and I want you to be mine. I wanna wake up next to you in the morning. I want you.” Mikey and Bilvy ‘aww’ in the background as I finish my baby-speech. Gabe yells ‘Kiss him!” and William kicks him in the shin.
I walk over to where Patrick is sitting on the floor and pull his laptop of his knees, placing it on the floor I pull him up so he’s face-to-face with me.
“Do you wanna be mine?” I stutter a few times, but spit it out eventually.
Expecting a negative answer I hang my head and try to pull away my hands. Patrick tightens his grip on one of my hands, letting the other drop to my side. He uses his now free hand to lift my head and pull me into a quick, sweet kiss. Patrick pulls away as Gabe wolf-whistles in the corner.
“William, shut your slut up please.” I say, pulling Patrick closer I mumble, “Is that a yes?”
Patrick nods, pulls me even closer and Gabe wolf-whistles again. William leans over to kiss his boyfriend, effectively silencing him. Mikey awkwardly stares at the floor and sips on his coffee. I pull away from ‘Trick and apologize to Mikey. “Let’s go home. It’s getting kinda dark.” I suggest. Kicking Gabe in his shin, right where Bilvy did too, for his wolf-whistles.
“I’ll drive. You two will end up crashing.” Mikey offers, grabbing Patrick’s keys from his desk.
“What about Bilvy and I?” Gabe asks, faking a hurt sob.
“I’m sure you can keep it in your pants for the 15 minutes it takes to drive home.” Patricks laugh at them, grabbing my hand and pulling me along to follow Mikey, who was anxious to get home to Frank. Mikey was holding the elevator open. “Hurry up.” I yell behind me as Patrick and I slip into the elevator. Mikey surprisingly strong finger threatening to let the doors slip shut unless the pair hurried. Gabe falls on his ass as he and William slide into the elevator and even William can’t help but laugh as he pushed the ground floor button.