Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Boston Here We Come

I let out a groan as I rolled over in my bed. My hands reached around and pulled the covers up to my chin. I decided I should at least figure out what time it was and I saw my clock saying 8:12

Wait! Hold on a minute! I can’t go back to sleep, I have a plane to catch! I’m going to Boston today! I shot up out of bed and I threw my hair up in a messy pony tail and jumped into some clothes before bolting downstairs….to find Harry eating a bowl of cereal.

“Where is everyone else?” I asked him.

“Sleeping,” He plainly said through his mouthful of cereal.

I just let out a groan and flailed my hands in the air causing Harry to let out a chuckle and shook his head before I took off upstairs.

”TOM! TOM! GET UP!” I shouted while running into my brothers room and jumping on his bed…to find he wasn’t in bed.

“Chill, I’m up,” He laughed while coming out of the bathroom and pulling a shirt over his head. “Don’t worry, we won’t miss our flight.”

“I’m just so excited to see Katie!” I squealed while hugging him tightly.

“I know,” Tom smiled while rubbing my back. “I’m excited to finally get to meet the famous Katie whom I’ve heard so much about.”

“You’ll love her, she’s amazing,” I beamed. “I’m going to go get Danny and Dougie up. I want to go!”

I bet you’re pretty confused huh? Well I’ll fill you in. My name is Kirsten Fletcher but everyone just calls me Kirstie or Kirst and before you ask… yes I’m Tom Fletchers little sister. Tom and I have always said we are half exactly same and half completely opposite. We’re both just big kids and are pretty nice and love people. Also, we both have dimples and brown eyes but his hair stayed blonde, after my second birthday, mine turned brown. We are very different though, I’m incredibly hyper and outgoing whereas Tom is a little more conserved. But our parents are divorced though and have been my whole life.

My mom is from California and my dad is from England and they met on some hiking trip. Well after they had Tom and then me three years later, they got divorced. My dad went back to live in England and my mom moved to Boston for her job and dad took Tom and mom took me. My mom is pretty hard to deal with so every summer I would go and spend it with my dad and brother.

Then I graduated high school and couldn’t take my mom and boston anymore so I moved to England where my awesome brother Tom gave me a job with his band kind of just doing things for them and managing their merch booth at the concerts and now I live with these four crazy guys.

There was one bad aspect to moving to England…my best friend Katie. We’ve been best friends ever since we were little and even after I moved, we talked all the time but I’ve only seen her once since we graduated high school….four years ago!

”Danny! Up!” I shouted while whacking him with a pillow.

He jumped out from under the covers and tackled me, immediately starting to tickle me.

“That’ll teach you to whack me!” Danny yelled through his laugh as I squirmed under him and tried to get away.

”DOUGIE HELP!” I squealed.

His blonde mop of hair came bouncing into the room and when he saw the problem, he just laughed and rolled his eyes.

“We’re going to miss the plane,” Dougie sang.

Danny and I jumped up and headed downstairs with Dougie to find Harry and Tom waiting there, loading the bags in the car.

“Boston here we come!” I shouted as we got into our car.

Oh my gosh, I could hardly wait until we land. I get to see Katie! I have a feeling this is going to be the longest plane ride ever…
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whoo! New story!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kirstie and the McFly guys

Katie!!! your turn!