Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

You Big Meanie!

So we’re finally heading out on the tour, yesterday was our first day on the bus and we had a little more driving today to get where we were going. I think Katie is still getting used to all of it but she will.

“Has anyone seen my jeans? I put them on the couch,” I said while walking out into the living room and had a toothbrush in my mouth, brushing away.

“All I heard was, afwafwa,” Harry laughed, imitating me.

I tilted my head up so no toothpaste came out and said, “Has anyone seen my jeans?”

“Dougie’s wearing them,” Katie giggled.

“Funny Katie,” Dougie rolled his eyes without taking them off of his phone.

Tom was snickering but said, “I put them in your bunk.”

“Okay thanks,” I mumbled out through the toothpaste.

Danny came walking out from the front of the bus and looked at me saying, “Nice look Kirst,” referring to my pajama pants, tee shirt and messy hair along with no makeup.

He started to walk by me and I gave his butt a smack as he whined, “Ow, that hurt.”

Danny then retaliated and hit my butt back as I said, “Ow! That was a lot harder you big meanie!”

“Oh you’re fine,” He rolled his eyes.

I just smacked him again before bolting to the bathroom and closing the door so he couldn’t get me. I then got dressed and ready before going back out and sitting down next to my brother and Harry.

“So what do you guys do when you get there?” Katie questioned.

“We usually just hang out, then go practice and make sure all the audio is good and stuff then hang out more, have some dinner then have the show,” Tom explained.

“And I have to set up the merch booth…boring. I seriously need a new job,” I complained while getting down on the floor and lying on my stomach, stretching out my back.

“Why do you say that?” Harry asked.

“Because I’m 21 and I work the merch booths, how pathetic is that. I haven’t had a boyfriend since high school and I don’t want to do this forever,” I told them.

“But then you won’t come on tour with us and it’ll be boring,” Dougie whined.

“Yeah, you have to stay with us forever,” Harry added.

“And keep bringing your sexy friends,” Danny smiled over at Katie.

“As long as they don’t stay in the same house with Danny,” Tom mumbled.

The rest of the way we just all laughed and joked around until we arrived at the venue. All of us walked inside and the first thing we saw was the merch booth being set up by an extremely cute guy.

“So I’m helping you in the booth tonight right?” Katie asked.

“Yeah, we can rock out,” I smiled but then nodded toward the cute guy and asked, “Guys, who is that?”

“I don’t know. Usually at each venue they hire on people to help set up so that’s probably just one of them,” Harry shrugged.

“He’s a babe,” Katie smiled.

“Yeah he is,” I beamed.

“Kirstie, Katie, are you coming to watch us warm up?” Tom questioned.

“You should,” Danny said while draping his arm around Katie’s shoulders but I smacked him.

“Naw, I’m going to go talk to the cute guy,” I grinned.

“But you always watch us,” Dougie whined.

“I’ll be over once I’m done talking to him,” I said. “Plus, you won’t miss me, I just make weird faces at you guys and snap pictures during it anyway, but Katie I’ll meet you over there, you can just sit in the audience seating.”

“Alright, but give me the download when you’re done with that hunky man,” She smiled as we both let out some giggles.

Anytime there’s cute boys around, I’m happy! So what if he’s just helping set up, I bet he’s nice to talk to and what’s wrong with that?
♠ ♠ ♠
i start school next wednesday....not looking forward to that!

Kirstie, Katie and Mcfly
