Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

I Pinky Promise!

I smiled as I walked over to the very cute guy who was setting up the merch booth. He noticed me and stopped what he was doing, smiling at me brightly.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hey,” He beamed with a crooked smile, “You must be Kirstie Fletcher.”

“Oh, you know who I am?” I asked.

“Yes and I’m so very excited to get to meet you,” He smiled. “And may I say, you are so much more beautiful in person.”

I could feel myself blushing brightly but I managed to say, “I didn’t catch your name.”

“Ryan,” He told me with those blue eyes twinkling but then stuck out his hand, “And it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too,” I said while shaking his hand.

The two of us talked for a while before Ryan said, “I hope I get to see you again sometime.”

“Well I could give you my number and then we can make sure that we see each other again,” I shyly smiled.

“I’d love that,” He smiled.

We swapped numbers before we said goodbye and then I went over to Katie. Of course she had to tease me but I just laughed it off. I started snapping pictures and during the sound check and Danny was totally just flirting it up with Katie and I could tell that it was annoying my brother so after it ended I followed him backstage to talk to him.

“Oh Tommy,” I sang.

“What?” He sighed while turning around.

I just opened my arms for him and he walked into them, and I have him a tight hug.

“You seemed upset and I think I know why…” I trailed off.

“Kirstie, I don’t like Katie,” He battled.

“I was going to say that you didn’t get enough sleep last night,” I countered with a giggle.

“Oh,” Tom mumbled while rubbing the back of his neck.

“You do like her!” I smiled.

Tom grabbed my hand and pulled me into the dressing room and shut the door. We sat down on the couch and Tom took a big breath before starting.

“Okay this is sibling to sibling. This does not leave this room,” He told me.

“I pinky promise,” I smiled while holding my pinky out to him and he linked his with mine.

“Okay, yes, I do like her,” Tom told me and I let out a squeal from excitement. “But Danny has his eyes on her and any girl that Danny decides he’s going to go after, he’ll get. All girls like him.”

“Tom, that doesn’t mean that girls don’t like you,” I cooed.

“Just…don’t say anything please,” He pleaded.

“Of course,” I said while hugging him.

I kissed his cheek and let him have a minute to himself and went back out. Katie asked where Tom was and so I just said he had a headache and she went back to see him. I plopped down with the other boys and Danny smiled at me.

“I asked Katie to the after party I’m going to DJ at,” He told me.

“She say yes?” I asked and he nodded his head. I just smiled.

“So who was that guy you were drooling over?” Harry asked.

“His name is Ryan,” I beamed. “He’s so nice and sweet and I got his number.”

“I’ve never seen you smile that big over a guy before,” Danny teased.

“Kirstie’s falling,” Dougie snickered.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drool over a guy like this. It’s a landmark,” Harry laughed.

“Hey, I should ask Ryan to the party!” I beamed.

”YES YOU SHOULD!” Katie yelled while running over.

”I’M ASKING NOW!” I squealed while pulling my phone out.

I sent him a text and he quickly replied with a yes and that he was excited which made me excited. I’ve never been this happy and excited for an after party before!
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I don't like school either! I only like the social part haha