Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

I Remember Sleeping

“How was your date? Was he romantic?” I asked, putting my face in my faces and leaning on my elbows. We were doing merch during the concert.

“It was great. He's a really great guy.” Kirstie said, blushing just a little.

“Aw!” I teased, pinching her cheeks. A few fans come up to us and asked for shirts, since the concert just ended. The blonde one paused for a moment before smiling at me.

“Are you Danny's girlfriend?” She asked. Kirstie and I exchanged weird looks before turning back to the girl.

“Why do you ask?” I asked, handing her change.

“Well he said to go visit Tom's sister and his girlfriend at the merch booth. She's Tom's sister.” The girl said, pointing to Kirstie. Kirstie made a face and whispered to me that she needed to check on something. She ran off, leaving me to an array of fans.

“Well, he's a big fat liar. I don't have a boyfriend.” I said. The girl nodded and looked over at friend, giggling as they walked away.

Almost every fan asked me about being Danny's girlfriend. I would say I was pissed off at the fact that he had said that but it's Danny. If it were any other guy, I would have given him my two cents. After what seemed like hours of work, the final few fans filtered out and I laid my head down on the table, closing my eyes briefly. My phone started ringing loudly and I let out a groan, hitting the speaker button.

“Hello?” I answered tiredly.

“Is than anyway to answer your granda?” My granda said, making me smile.

“Hey! How are you?” I said, sitting up a little.

“Alright, ya know. Your grandmother has been wanting to see you for sometime now. I would say the same.” He said, his accent thick with his elderly age. He hates when I call him old, he's only 80.

“How is she?” I asked.

“Good, very good. When are you coming to visit?” He asked.

“I wish I could but I don't think I have the money to fly to Ireland right now.” I said sadly. I love my grandparents, my mom used to pay for them to fly out for the holidays and sometimes I would spend a few weeks during the summer with them. They're both both and raised in Ireland.

“What happened to your big important job?” He asked.

“I'm with friends right now, I'm on an extended vacation.” I said.

“Oh.....well, I hope you're enjoying yourself, darling.” He said.

“I'll come visit as soon as I can, I promise.” I said.

“I'll hold ya to it.” He said.

“Love you.” I said.

“Love you too.” He said, hanging up. I let out a long sigh and ended the call, closing my eyes again. I felt a hand on my head, making me open my eyes again.

“We're all heading back on the bus.” Danny said.

“mmm, leave without me. I'll sleep here.” I said, closing my eyes again.

“I will carry you.” He said.

I chose to not respond, seeing as my vocal cords were weak. That's when he grabbed me out of my chair and into his arms. After that, I don't remember, I just remember sleeping.
♠ ♠ ♠
isn't Danny so cute!?
My grandpa is really from Ireland, Tralee, I believe....
