Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

I Don't Have An Accent

Last night after the concert, all of us just went back to the bus and crashed. I felt bad because I knew how upset my brother was. At the concert apparently Danny was telling everyone that Katie was his girlfriend. Usually with Danny, I just kind of try to stay out of Danny’s love life, that’s his own business. But now with him interested in Katie that makes it my business.

I feel bad for my brother though. He likes Katie so much but Tom is pretty shy with things like that, he wouldn’t just flirt with a girl or openly confess his feelings. I’m sure Katie has no idea Tom likes her but it’s not my place to say so I have to keep quiet.

“Seriously?,” I heard Dougie groan as someone was knocking on the door to the bus.

“If that is some crazy fans this early in the morning I’m not going to be happy,” Harry mumbled.

“It’s a crime to be woken up this early,” Danny sighed while ruffling up his hair.

“If it is a crazy fan, think of what they’ll do to us if they see us like this,” Tom snickered, motioning to not having a shirt on.

“Come back here,” I told the boys since I was sitting in the back bedroom.

“I’ll answer it and if it’s safe, you guys can come out,” Katie said.

We closed the door and tried to keep quiet as we heard the mumble of people’s voices. The second I looked over at Dougie, I just started cracking up as did he and neighed of us could stop. Of course that made all of us just bust out in giggles and because we were trying to keep quiet, we just laughed harder.

“Well it’s a good thing it wasn’t a crazy fan because I can hear you guys out there,” Katie snickered as she opened the door.

“Who was it?” Harry questioned.

”Ryan!” I squealed as he popped out from behind Katie.

“Ow, my eardrum is broken now,” Tom laughed.

I just stuck my tongue out at him before getting up and scrambling over to Ryan. I jumped into his arms and he laid a passionate kiss on my lips as everyone let out an ’oooh’ in the background but I just ignored them.

“I wanted to come see you before I started my day and then I could have the image of this pretty face all day,” Ryan sweetly smiled while cupping my cheek with his warm hand.

“You’re so sweet,” I beamed.

“You have the cutest accent,” He said while rubbing our noses together.

“I don’t have an accent,” I giggled.

“Yes you do,” all the boys said.

“Nuh uh! I’m from California, I don’t have an accent. You guys all have an English accent, Danny has a Bolton one and Katie has a Boston accent. I have no accent, and because you guys sing the same as I would, that proves I don’t have an accent,” I smiled triumphantly.

“Well, accent or no accent, the way you talk is cute,” Ryan beamed, kissing my cheek.

“It is kinda weird, having a sister that doesn’t sound the same as you,” Tom laughed.

“But you love me,” I grinned.

“I do,” Tom smiled.

“So how are you guys?” Ryan questioned.

“Good,” Danny replied.

“Happy that fans aren’t attacking us,” Harry snickered, making us all laugh.

“Well I need to get to work but maybe all of us could get together for lunch?” Ryan suggested.

“Aw, that’s a good idea,” I smiled.

We made plans before I shared another kiss with him and then he left.

“I don’t like him,” Dougie stated the second the door closed.

“Me either,” Danny agreed.

“There’s something weird about him, I get a strange vibe from him,” Tom said.

“I think you guys are reading too much into it,” I told them. “He’s a sweetheart and when you get to know him more, you’ll love him.”

“And he’s a babe!” Katie giggled.

“Oh yeah,” I laughed along with her.

All the guys are really weird when I go on a date so it’s kind of obvious that they don’t like him but Ryan is so incredibly sweet and amazing. I could really see myself being with him and I know the guys will like him. Hopefully they keep an open mind!
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going to washougal motocross park tomorrow, looking forward to everything except the three hour drive haha
