Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

He's Not Worth It

So Katie is off visiting her grandparents in Ireland and we don’t get to see her for two more weeks. I’m kind of bummed out but the McFly guys and I were just chilling at home, watching a movie when my adorable boyfriend called me.

“Hey baby,” He greeted.

“Hi,” I beamed.

“So we’re going out tonight right?” Ryan questioned.

“Yeah, I’m going to go get ready right now,” I smiled.

“Great. Do you want to ask the guys to come along?” He asked me.

I rolled my eyes to myself. I don’t know what is up with him, lately every time he sets up a date, he wants me to ask the guys to come. I don’t get it, like I think it’s nice that he wants to get close to them but I want to have time with him just the two of us.

“No, they’re busy,” I told him.

“Alright, well we could do it another night,” Ryan said.

“Wait? You don’t want to go out at all?” I asked.

“Yeah, I think actually I’d rather just stay home, I’m not feeling to well at all,” He replied.

“I could come over and bring you some soup or something,” I offered.

“Naw, I just want to lay here I think,” Ryan told me.

We said a quick goodbye before I hung up and let out a defeated sigh. I trudged back into the living room where all the guys questioned why the long face?

“Ryan is just being weird and it’s upsetting me,” I mumbled.

“Aw,” my brother cooed, hugging me. “I’m sorry Kirstie.”

“Why don’t we all go out for dinner,” Harry suggested.

“Yeah and we can cheer Kirstie up,” Dougie smiled.

“That’s sounds good, I’m hungry too,” Danny said.

I eventually agreed and we all grabbed our shoes and headed out to the car and Harry got in the drivers seat, taking us to a nice restaurant.

“Don’t be sad Kirstie,” Dougie cooed while draping an arm around my shoulder as we walked into the restaurant.

“Ryan is just bumming me out. I feel like he doesn’t care about me,” I sighed.

“Um Kirstie, do you need to go to the bathroom?” Danny asked while rushing over and standing right in front of me.

“No, why do you ask?” I questioned.

“Because I need to go, will you take me?” He went on.

“No,” I giggled. “You’re a big boy now.”

“Well I forgot my phone in the car, come with me,” Tom said while taking my hand and starting to tug me away.

“Why are you guys all being so weird?” I asked through a laugh while turning back around.

Then I realized why….Ryan was sitting at a table….with another girl. My mouth dropped and Harry tried to usher me out but I pushed past him and went over to the table.

“Hey Ryan,” I shot at him.

He took his eyes off of the blonde haired girl across from him and looked at me.

“Who is she?” The blonde girl asked.

“I’m his girlfriend!” I shouted.

“No she’s not,” Ryan told her.

“Yes I am!” I yelled. ”Don’t lie!”

“Is that true Ryan? Is this girl who you want?” The other girl shot at him.

He looked at me and said coldly, “Look Kirstie, I don’t know what you think we had but it wasn’t half what you thought.”

“Then why did you want to be my boyfriend? You’re the one who asked me Ryan, not the other way around!” I said through gritted teeth.

“Everyone wants their fifteen minutes of fame Kirstie,” Ryan said with an attitude.

I was quiet for a long time before saying, “Y-You just…dated me because of…my brother?”

I was about to punch him right in the nose but Danny ran over and stopped me.

“Don’t Kirstie, he’s not worth it,” Danny said while he pulled me away.

The guys led me out and we all got in the car, I was in between Dougie and Tom while Harry and Danny were in the front.

I burst into tears and Dougie quickly wrapped his arms around me while Tom rubbed my knee. I just cried and cried, feeling hurt, used, humiliated and embarrassed.

“He…he used me,” I cried into Dougie’s chest.

“He’s a jerk and he doesn’t deserve you,” Tom told me.

“Yeah, anyone who treats a girl like that isn’t worth it,” Harry agreed.

“He never liked me, only my last name. He just used me,” I went on sobbing.

Dougie rubbed my back and soothed me which did make me feel better but it didn’t take away the hurt I was feeling right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
whoo! labor day weekend!

Kirstie and Ryan
