Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Dream Land

I rushed around my office, grabbing my things and bolting for the elevator. My co-workers laughed as I skidded past them to get out of the building. I had been so busy with work that I had completely forgotten that Kirstie was coming! I work at the TD Garden here in Boston, in public relations and dipping in a little event planning. My stereo was blasting my Across the Universe soundtrack as I broke every speed limit to get to Logan Airport. I parked near luggage claim and stumbled out of my car, nearly breaking my ankle in my heels. Not the best choice of shoes for today. I got inside and took a sigh of relief, not seeing her anywhere. I sipped my iced coffee and closed my eyes for moment.

“Katie!” I heard someone yell. I flinched slightly and looked around me. I then spotted a mop of brown messy hair running full speed at me.

Wait! Heels!” I said quickly, holding my arms in front of me. She froze in mid-stride as I bent down and took them. “Okay, go ahead.” I said. She smiled and ran again, jumping on me.

“I'm so glad to see another girl!” She cheered, stepping back and smiling more.

“I can only imagine how it is with men all the time.” I said, laughing as she grabbed her bags. “Glad to get away from them?” I asked. She snorted out a laugh and looked behind her at a group of boys smacking each other.

“I brought them with me.” She said. Oh shit! I don't have enough space for that!

“Bringing British to Boston!? Isn't that illegal since they, ya know, tried to control us and all.” I joked.

“They're harmless.” She said. One of them slapped the other upside the head and swore at him.

She called to them and they came over, bags in tow. They stayed silent as she introduced us. I smiled and waved, and they did the international male nod. I slid my shoes back on and brought them out to my car. I'm pretty sure I was breaking the law by having on of them sit on the other, considering my limited space but nobody protested. Kirstie was silently listening to my music as we drove towards my home in Bunker Hill. I peaked in my rear view to see them completely passed out.

“I hope they have sleeping pads. I only have one guest room.” I said, looking over at Kirstie.

“I kind of assumed that you didn't have a lot of room. So they're prepared, don't worry.” She said with a grin.

“Are they just tired, or are they normally this quiet?” I asked, peaking back at them.

“Tired. They're usually bouncing around the house, screaming and stuff.” She said.

I smiled and parked my car, looking over at her before getting out. She was in charge of waking them up while I ran inside and cleared some space for everyone. After almost 20 minutes, they all came stumbling in. They looked ready to collapse right on my floor, I felt bad for them. I mean, there is only four of them. I smiled at Kirstie and slid off my shoes and put my purse down.

“If you want a nap, you guys can use mine and the guest room for now.” I said. They all looked at each other and stumbled into the rooms.

“I'm sorry about them. They're being really rude.” She said with a huff.

“It's totally okay! They're exhausted, and not to mention our time difference.” I said. “If you want, you can crash on the couch for now.” I said. She smiled and hugged me.

“Thanks Katie, for everything.” She said.

“Not a problem. Now go to dream land.” I said.

She laughed and laid out on my couch, starting to snore almost instantly. Hers wasn't nearly as bad as the boys. I could clearly hear them and I'm not sure if they were faking it or really being that loud. I shrugged it off and started cleaning up my kitchen for a big dinner that I had promised Kirstie later that night.
♠ ♠ ♠
I missed writing with Kirstie.
Not that I really need another story on top of all the other's with Kylee hahaha.


Kirstie Monkey!