Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

You're Making A Mistake!

My time in Ireland is coming to an end but the time spent here has been great. And only a week in, Chris showed up on my grandparent's step. They had no idea that we had broken up and so had a long chat. I ended up forgiving him and he's been acting like the guy that I had originally fallen in love with. Today he was taking somewhere for a surprise.

“Close your eyes.” He said, looking over at me. I covered my eyes with my hands and he laughed, parking the car and getting out before grabbing my hands and pulling out of the car. I opened them to see a beautiful, empty beach.

“Chris.....this is beautiful.” I said quietly. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my middle.

“I want to make it up to you, forever.” he said. He laced his fingers through mine and lead me down to the sand. He bent down and took my shoes off, smiling up at me. He held them in his other hand while the other was around me.

“Chris, is it going to be different? Our relationship?” I asked as we slowly walked along the water.

“Katie, I love you.......and I can't imagine ever doing that to you again.” he said, squeezing my side.

“Everyone hates you. You'll have to kiss a lot of ass.” I said.

“Yeah, I kinda got that when I asked Kirstie where you were.” he said.

“You asked Kirstie!?” I asked.

“Well, I knew you were touring with her brothers band so I went to the venue and asked her. Her brother's band aren't very friendly.” he said.

“Well ya know, you cheated on me. They hate you.” I said.

“I'm sure they'll come around. That Tom kid though......” he trailed off.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I dunno, he seemed really pissed. I say hey to them and he stomped off.” he said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Oh....” I said, looking towards the sand. Kirstie, what aren't you telling me!

“It's a shame that thing happened with Kirstie's supposed boyfriend.” he said.

“I wish I was there, I would have kicked his ass.” I mumbled. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head.

“I've got something I need to ask you.” he said, stopping and turning to face me.

“Well........what is it?” I asked. He placed my shoes on the sand and dug into his pocket. He dropped to one knee and held me left hand in his. Oh......my....

“I love you. And I'm an asshole for cheating on you but we were together for two years and I don't want to ever live without you. Marry me?” He asked. I think my heart stopped beating that this point. Don't do it, don't say it. You're making a mistake!

“Chris.....” I started, but he cut me off.

“I know, I know. It's irrational, but damn. I love you.” he said. DON'T SAY IT!

“Yes, I'll marry you!” I squealed. He slid the ring on my finger and jumped up, picking me up off the sand and kissing me. What did I just do?
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