Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Just Remember To Smile

For the next week I was so bummed out about Ryan. I hardly left the house, barely even my room. It upset me so much and I was really hurt so I just kept to myself, I didn’t want to talk to anyone, not even my brother or any of the guys. I called Katie a few times but not too much.

But Ryan got what he wanted, he got his fifteen minutes of fame...especially now. The press was all over this and they have pictures from the restaurant, pictures of him with his girlfriend and me crying, it’s so awful. I just wish they would leave me alone! I’m not Tom! I’m just his sister, I didn’t ask to be famous!

“Kirstie, can I come in?” I heard Dougie’s voice ask.

“Okay,” I sighed while wiping the corners of my eyes and he slowly walked in, sending me a big smile.

I pushed all the books and things off my bed so he had room to sit down, which he did.

“You want to come downstairs and have dinner with us?” He questioned.

“No, I’m not hungry right now. I’ll eat later,” I told him.

“Kirstie,” Dougie sighed while running a hand through his blonde locks.


“Tom is really worried about you…all of us are really worried about you,” He went on while reaching over and holding my hand. “We figured you’d be upset but Kirstie, you’re starting to not eat too much and you throw up a lot from crying so much and you won’t talk to anyone.”

“I just…am really really hurt Dougie,” I sighed through my misty eyes. “I want to get over it but I don’t know how.”

“Let it out Kirstie, just let out everything,” He encouraged while caressing my hand with his thumb.

I started to talk to him and everything that I’ve been feeling just poured out, words, tears and so many emotions. He pulled me into his lap and rubbed my back and held me while I let out some tears.

“Any guy who would do that doesn’t deserve you Kirstie. And you’ll find another guy, don’t worry,” Dougie reassured me.

“I just want a guy to like me for me and I’m afraid that I won’t ever find one who does,” I sniffled.

“You are a wonderful girl. You are fun but still can be serious, you’re so talented and have such a kind spirit toward everyone and everybody loves you. Kirstie, a guy would be a fool not to like you and you will find someone else, I promise,” He grinned.

“Thanks Dougie, you’re so sweet,” I said while hugging him.

”Just remember to smile, smile, smile and turn the world around,” He sang.

The two of us just shared a laugh before going downstairs where we joined everyone at the table.

“Someone looks happier,” Harry said to me.

“I am,” I told them.

“That’s good to hear,” Danny grinned.

“Very good,” Tom beamed while hugging me but then all the other guys joined in and pretty much squished me!

“Now I’m super excited to leave for the tour tomorrow….and I get to see Katie!” I buzzed.

“Except we have to see that jerkface Chris,” Tom mumbled.

“Chill out mate, I’m sure we won’t have to see him,” Danny said while patting his back.

So Danny found out about Tom liking Katie and my brother and Danny are really close and so I wasn’t surprised he found out. But Danny said that he liked Katie but he knew Tom liked her more so he was fine with letting Tom go after her and was going to help him get her… but then Chris showed up.

They’re kind of…engaged now too. I haven’t really told Tom this though. I talked to the guys and they knew as well as I that it would break his heart so we decided to go ahead and not say anything. I hope Tom takes it well tomorrow, although I have the feeling he won’t….
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoo! just got back from a great weekend of racing at Washougal Motocross Park and got a wonderful tan!
Have to go back to school tomorrow :(
It's supposed to be like 90 all week and next week too and we don't have air conditioning at school....that's gonna be lovely...... not!

Dougie and Kirstie
