Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Star Wars

Chris dragged himself behind me as we walked into the venue. I could see the bus around the back, so I knew everyone was already there. He mumbled a few choice comments about musicians being lazy nobodies and that they should have gone to college. Things are slowly going back to the way they used to be before we broke up. He's distant and jealous, he's degrading and verbally abusive. But I'm an idiot.

Katie!” Kirstie screamed, just as the guys were walking on stage for sound check. She came running at me while Chris snorted and stepped back. She tackled me to the floor with a giant smile.

“Hey! I've missed you!” I said, hugging her as we stood back up.

“I've missed you too! I'm so excited you're back!” she said, bouncing around. Chris cleared his throat, crossing his arms over his chest.

“We are engaged, you know.” He said, loud enough for the whole building to hear. Kirstie's eyes went wide and she whipped around to look at the stage. Tom was just walking off.

“Congratulations.” she said reluctantly.

“Thanks.” he said, staring the guys down now.

“Chris......would you help me put my bags back on the bus?” I said.

“Fine.” he said, turning and marching outside. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair just as the guys came off to see me.

“You can't be seriously in love with that loser, can you?” Dougie asked, his arm around Kirstie's shoulders.

“Didn't he cheat on you? He'll do it again, he's an asshole.” Danny said.

“We're only looking out for you.” Harry said.

“I'm not a child. I can take care of myself.” I said coldly, turning and going back out to find Chris.

How dare they question whether I love Chris or not! They obviously don't understand what love is! No, I don't understand what it is I found Chris outside on the phone, talking to someone he said a quick goodbye and hung up, grabbing my bags from the trunk and followed me to the bus. He helped me set up my bunk and suggested that we stayed a little longer on the bus. He got pissed, of course, when I said no. It's because I'm not attracted to him!

“I'll see you in a little bit, okay? I've gotta go pick up my brother at the airport.” He said, leaving me to stand alone in the cold air.

I slowly went back inside, and helped Kirstie finish setting up. After that we just sat down and chatted. But I couldn't stop staring at the ring on my finger, but in a loving sort of way. It felt heavy and I felt disgusted that such a thing was even on my finger. It felt so wrong. Kirstie made a weird noise and snapped her in my face. I blinked and moved my head back. She had a look on her face and glanced down at my ring. She made another face before looking back at me.

“I don't think you love him.” she said quietly. I put my face in my hands, feeling tears forming in my eyes. She scooted closer and wrapped her arms around me. “Why don't you just leave him for good?” she asked.

“There's no one else for me, Kirstie!” I cried. She gasped and slammed her fist on the table.

“Of course there is! There's a guy out there who is so perfect for you! He loves you for the real you. He loves the nerdy, Star Wars lover. He loves the sophisticated woman and he loves the goofball. He's so much closer than you think and it sure isn't Chris!” She snapped.

“Kirstie, I don't know what to do.” I said.

“Dump Chris! He isn't picking up his brother! He's picking up Hanna!” she said, then quickly covered her mouth.

YOU KNOW!?” I shouted, standing up quickly.

“Katie, I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you sooner, but he just left and....” she trailed off.

“I'm so stupid!” I cried, collapsing back into my chair.

“No, you're not.” she said, pulling me into a hug.

“Yes, I am! I left myself get cheated on twice! By the same guy!” I cried into her shoulder. She gently rubbed my back while I cried. “I was engaged to him, Kirstie. I'm so stupid.” I said.

“shh, no, you're not. He's an asshole and he doesn't deserve someone like you.” she said.

“Here. I don't want to see him when he comes back.” I said, wiping my eyes and taking off the ring, handing to her.

“The boys will take care of it........we all really care about you, Katie.” she said.

“I know.....I'm sorry I was rude.” I said. She smiled and stuffed the ring in her pocket.

“I think they'll understand........tonight, we're gonna pig out and watch movies, okay?” she said.

“Sure.” I said, a little smile forming.

“You're lucky Tom is here, he has all the Star Wars movies.” she said. I laughed and she hugged me one last time before we got ready for doors to open.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's cold! And it was fucking hot as hell yesterday!
Wisdom teeth are coming out on Thursday.


Kirstie! :)