Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

I Feel So Safe

I was completely fuming right now. I hate Chris so much! I heard his car drive up and the boys were going to tell him off but I wanted to do this myself.

“Katie is breaking up with you,” I shouted at that jerkface Chris.

“She’s not breaking up with me. We’re engaged and you’re not doing anything about it,” He told me with that attitude he always has.

“You cheated on her and still are! Do you really think she’d still be with you?” I yelled, my pitch rising every word.

“Apparently she is,” Chris smirked while crossing his arms.

“No, she’s not,” I said while shoving the ring in his hand. “She’s done with you.”

”She’s not done with me,” He yelled while storming toward the door but I ran and stood in front of it. “Get out of my way,” Chris growled.

“No, I’m not going to let you hurt Katie again, you’ve already hurt her too much!” I shouted back.

His emotion all seemed to turn and he stared me right in the eye with so much anger saying, “This is all your fault! You did this!”

”You did it! You chose to do that to her!” I shouted back in his face.

“You talked her into this! None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for you!” Chris bellowed while grabbing my shoulders and shaking me violently and screaming, ”Make her take me back!”

”No! I won’t let you do that to her again!” I yelled back as he drew his hand back, ready to hit me and I braced for it but wasn’t going to give in.

All I could do was close my eyes and wait for it. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t. Just then, I heard a loud yell and my eyes flung open just in time to see Dougie tackling Chris to the ground.

The two of them rolled around and fought but quickly Harry, Danny and Tom got Dougie off so he didn’t get hurt and Danny and Harry held Chris while Tom tried to calm down Dougie.

“What happened?” Katie asked while running over.

”You aren’t breaking up with me!” He yelled at her.

“Look Chris,” Tom started in an angry tone I’ve never heard him use before. “Don’t you ever come back here again. If you ever hurt my sister or Katie again, you bet that you’ll be sorry.”

Harry and Danny pushed him over to his car and he left, angry, but he did leave. The second he did, I threw my arms around Dougie and kissed his cheek.

“Dougie thank you so much, I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t come,” I said while nuzzling my face into his chest as we held each other tightly.

“I knew you shouldn’t have come out here all alone with the way he is,” Dougie mumbled while tightening his grip on me.

“I’m just glad he didn’t hurt you,” Danny spoke up.

“That guy would have been hurting so bad if he hurt you girls,” Harry mumbled out.

I lifted my face out of Dougie’s chest and looked over at Katie, remembering she’s probably more upset over this than me but she was smiling….and my brother had his arms around her!

“We won’t ever let him get near you again,” I heard him whisper to Katie while she just cuddled into him tighter.

“I feel so safe with you,” She softly replied.

He got the biggest smile on his face when she said that and all of us caught it and shared a knowing grin.

“Katie, it looks like we need to get some extra ice cream for our movie party tonight,” I giggled, trying to lighten mood.

“I guess so,” She laughed along with me.

Katie and I then left the boys arms and shared our own hug. I felt so much better, knowing Chris was out of the picture and that maybe now Tom would have a chance with Katie…hm, maybe I can try to plant some ideas in her head. Maybe even if her and Tom got together, then I could focus on finding my own guy….as long as he isn’t like Ryan.
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I was so scared to have my wisdom teeth out and it really wasn't bad at all! I got out of school for a while, ate ice cream, watched a buttload of movies and got to write a lot!
