Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

A Slap In The Head!

Kirstie leaped into my bunk, a giant grin on her face. I had just finished my shower, no make-up and my hair was pulled up into a messy bun. She had told me that she would get me when our girls night, plus Tom, was ready. I was suddenly a little self-conscious about having no make-up on. She laid on top of me, making me scream loudly that she was crushing me. Suddenly, Dougie appear and pulled her out of my bunk, then flung her over his shoulder.

“Can I join?” He asked.

“No.” I said, sticking my tongue out.

“Tom gets too! That's not fair!” he whined.

“That's because he's Kirstie's brother. So stick that in your juice box and suck it!” I said, shutting my curtain. Dougie started to fake cry, Kirstie followed in as well.

“Wait.......TOM'S ONLY INVITIED BECAUSE YOU WANT HIS BABIES!” Dougie screamed to the whole bus. I threw my curtain back, my face bright red from embarrassment.

“Shut up!” I yelled, leaping out and knocking him on the floor.

“Tom! Get your crazy girlfriend off me!” Dougie yelled.

“Stop saying that!” I yelled. “Take it back!”

“That's enough now.” Tom said, pulling me off Dougie. We stuck our tongues out at each other as he dragged me back to the lounge. Kirstie smiled and patted the seat next to her, I went to sit but Tom pulled me over, holding me away from Kirstie. “She's mine.” he teased.

“Hey! She's my best friend!” Kirstie said.

“Yeah, and you're my sister! Which automatically makes her my best friend as well.” He said.

“Where did you find that logic!?” she said. I laughed and looked over at my feet, covered in fuzzy socks. Kirstie had them on too. We used to have sock races to see how far we could slid on her mom's hardwood floors. One time it ended in a nose bleed.

“Kirstie?” I asked.

“Yeah?” she replied. I smirked at her and it was like we were thinking the same thing. I bolted off Tom and for the door, just as the bus lurched forward. Kirstie was closed behind me as I slid down the hall. I heard a loud thud and turned to see her on the floor laughing.

“Oh god! Are you okay!?” I asked through my fit of giggles. She rubbed her nose and looked at her hand with a triumphant smile.

“No blood! Points!” She cheered.

I went to take off again and slid backwards, landing flat on my back. She laughed and jumped over me, only to fall right on her butt. This continued all the way to the front of the bus, the floors slippery and our socks making it worse. And it continued back to the lounge. By the end of it, both of us were sore and having a giggle fit. Dougie was now in the back, his phone in his hand. He laughed and started typing away on his phone. Kirstie sat next to him, I sitting next to Tom.

“This is so going on Twitter.” Dougie said.

“Oh god, they're going to stalk me now.” I said, covering my face.

“Who?” Tom asked.

“..............the fans.........” I whispered in mock fear. We all laughed and Kirstie brough back the ice cream dropping in on the table. Tom grabbed my favorite one, with my name written on it in sharpie.

“Oh, you want this?” He teased, holding it away from me.

“That's mine! Come on!” I whined. He moved his arm away and leaped across him to grab it only for him to move it again. “Tom! Stop!” I whined again, making him laugh more.

“What do I get?” he teased more.

“A slap in the head!” I yelled, reaching for it again.

“Well, that's mean!” he said, a giant grin on his face.

“Give it back, please?” I asked, pouting and blinking at him.

“Oh fine.” he said, giving me the yummy treat. I smiled and planted a giant kiss on his cheek. Kirstie and Dougie felt the need to add in some aw's as well.

“I'll share.” I said, stabbing the ice cream with a spoon and placing it in front of him.

“Thanks.” he stuttered, his face getting red.

Kirstie and Dougie turned on Star Wars and we all sang along with the music, being incredibly loud and obnoxious until finally, Harry and Danny were joining in on all of the fun. I'd rather be around Kirstie and the guys than some douchey ex-fiancee.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm getting a butt-load of ice cream tomorrow!
Gotta prepare for the pain lol.
I wish I owned McFly Tour DVD's, I would watch them all day long with my ice cream!
