Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Cause He's Nerdy and Awkward

“I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big bright blur,” I said, quoting Star Wars

“There's nothing to see. I used to live here, you know,” Tom went on.

“You're gonna die here, you know. Convenient,” I finished out, causing everyone to laugh.

“You two are such Star Wars geeks,” Harry rolled his eyes.

“We’re siblings, we’re both geeky,” Tom laughed.

“And Katie is Star Wars geeky with us, along with Dougie,” I smiled. “I remember every time I’d visit Tom and dad in the summer, Tom and I would always have a Star Wars marathon.”

“Nothing can beat those movies,” Dougie grinned.

“Agreed!” Katie said while taking a big bite of ice cream.

“Except for Indiana Jones,” I shouted while bouncing up and down. ”I freaking love Indiana Jones!”

“We know!” everyone groaned.

“How can you not love Indy!” I replied.

“Or Back To The Future,” Tom added.

“Those are good movies,” Harry said.

“Marty is so cute in those movies,” Katie smiled.

“George McFly in the 50’s reminds me of Tom,” I laughed.

“What cause he’s nerdy and awkward?” Danny asked.

“Yep!” I giggled but then hugged my brother and said, “Say something romantic, just the first thing that comes to your mind.”

“…nothing is coming to my mind!” Tom quoted, making us all laugh and Katie laugh extra hard. “I’m your density….. I mean….your destiny!”

“That’s definitely Tom,” Dougie agreed.

“I think it’s cute though because then it shows he really cares,” Katie spoke up.

”YOU THINK THAT BECAUSE YOU LIKE TOM!” Dougie yelled while jumping up and down on the cushion. “Ha! Your face is getting red!” He taunted her while she hid her face in her hands.

”KATIE LIKES TOM! KATIE LIKES TOM!” Dougie and I chanted while Harry and Danny laughed hysterically and Tom and Katie both had bright red faces.

“Shut up!” Katie yelled while sending us a pouty look.

“You guys are dumb,” Tom mumbled while whacking us both in the face with a pillow.

”PILLOW FIGHT!” Danny shouted as we all grabbed our ammunition and started chasing each other around….this better not go on twitter too or I’ll kill Dougie!
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it's not bad Katie! All i did the first day was sleep, and watch Drake and Josh it was fun hahaha

Kirstie...and Indian Jones and Marty McFly
