Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies


“Last day of tour.” Kirstie said with a pout. It was December now, almost two weeks before Christmas and the McFly tour was coming to a close. Kirstie was reluctantly helping me pack.

“I know, I'm sad that its over.” I said, sighing and sitting on my suitcase.

“Why don't you just stay with us?” she asked, sitting in the bunk across from me.

“I have bills to pay, Kirstie. I have a job that I can't take more time off from.” I said, despite the fact that I really wanted to stay.

“Sell your place! Tom and I can help you find a job!” she cheered with a big smile.

“I can't do that.” I said, looking down at my boots. She sighed and playing with curtain on the bunk.

“When will you be able to visit next?” she asked.

“God.....I have no idea, Kirst. If I could, I would see you every month.” I said.

“Well.......it's your last night. Let's have some fun.” she said, pulling me up and off the bus with her.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked as she dragged me around the parking lot. Snow had gotten ankle deep by this point.

“Well, I grabbed this from your bag. And I know how much you love doing hair.” she said, flashing my big cosmetic bag in my face. “Fans are always talking about the guys old hairstyles.......think you could work your magic?” she asked. I smiled and took the bag from her.

“You underestimate my power.” I said, quoting Star Wars.

“Don't try it!” she exclaimed, pretending to be Obi-Wan.

We giggled and headed towards the dressing room. Kirstie kicked the door open and screamed, jumping at me and burying her face in my shoulder. Tom was shirtless, along with Dougie and Danny was wrestling on the floor with Harry. I felt my face heat up when Tom looked over at us, I quickly looked away and pushed Kirstie forward. She resisted a little before she cautiously stepped inside.

“It's just your brother.” I whispered. She shot me a look before sticking her tongue.

“Katie has volunteered to do everyone's hair. Like, Motion in the Ocean style.” Kirstie said, smiling widely.

“Well, Harry is off the hook, since he barely has any hair.” I teased.

“I love you too.” he teased back.

“Okay, who wants to be my first victim!” I yelled, dropping my bag on the table.

“I'll do it!” Danny said, running over and plopping down in the chair. I smiled and plugged in my straightener. “It's pink!?” he shouted.

“Yes, it is.” I said.

“But that's girly.” he said. I smirked and moved over a little, sticking my butt and chest out.

“Well, if you haven't noticed, I am a woman.” I stated, causing Kirstie to laugh loudly.

“Well, bring that little waist over here!” Danny cheered, standing up and pulling me over. “Would this beautiful woman like to dance?” he asked.

“Oh, I don't think I could say no!” I said, imitating a Southern Belle.

Danny smiled and danced around the room to some imaginary Latin music, that he sang himself. Kirstie was practically dying on the floor with laughter, along with Dougie and Harry. He spun me around and then he spun himself, nearly knocking over a lamp in corner. We eventually stopped because we could stop giggling. He sat back down and I got to work, trying to concentrate despite the peanut gallery shouting at me.

“Oh god! You've burned me!” Danny shouted, clutching his face. I whacked him in the shoulder and finished up. He smiled in the mirror then back at me. “Blast from the past.....your turn Tom Tom!” he said, getting up and kissing my cheek quickly before going to change.

“Katie, after the show, we should go play in the snow!” Kirstie said as I got to straightening Tom's hair.

“Yeah! That would be so much fun!” I said, running the iron through a strip of Tom's blonde hair.

Everyone was joking around, throwing things and laughing. I let out a little sigh as I finished Tom's hair. He stood and smiled at me. I pushed out a little smile back and he placed his hands on my shoulders. He stared into my blue eyes with his brown ones. He mouthed are you okay to me and I shook my head, looking to the floor. Talk about it? he mouthed again. I just smiled and shook my head again before going to clean up for Dougie. Do I really want to leave this country? Or these amazing new friends?
♠ ♠ ♠
My arm is sore and one side of my face is a little swollen.
And i'm on steriods, yipee!
I'm probably going to go update one of Kylee's stories, since I've been neglecting those lately.


KIRSTIE POYNTER!!!! humpty dumpty sat on wall...................humpty dumpty had a great fall *thud*