Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Ah! It's Cold!

“I wish you could stay for the Christmas party,” I sighed as Katie and I walked outside after the show to play in the snow.

“It sounds like fun,” Katie replied.

“It is, we always have a Christmas party and the boys always do a Christmas special and it’s usually from the band house so I get to be in some and it’s super fun. Are you sure you can’t stay until Christmas?” I asked.

“Yeah, my flight is tomorrow,” She sighed.

“I have the best gift for you and I can’t trust you to not open it before Christmas!” I teased while falling backwards into the snow, causing us both to start laughing.

“Well just mail it to me, I’ll mail yours too,” Katie replied.

“I want you to be my present,” I pouted. “Can you mail yourself?”

“I don’t think I could fit in the box,” She said.

“Katie, if you believe you can, you can!” I shouted.

It was quiet for a long time before my vision went dark and I felt my face covered in something wet. I wiped it away and found that it was a snowball that someone hit me in the face with!

I looked over and saw the four boys standing there cracking up. Katie said that it was Dougie so I hopped out of the snow and ran over, tackling him into the soft snow and grabbed a handful, stuffing it down his shirt.

“Ah! It’s cold!” Dougie choked out through his hysterical laughter.

“You should have thought of that before you hit me in the face!”

I stayed on top of him as we wrestled around and Katie made her way over next to Harry.

“Don’t you guys like need to stop them?” She asked.

“Naw, we just let them go at it,” Tom spoke up.

“It’s no use stopping Kirstie if she doesn’t want to be stopped,” Danny laughed.

“I’m going to miss this,” Katie pouted while Tom went over to hug her.

I eventually got off of Dougie and the rest of us joined in a group hug. It’s definitely not going to be the same without her…
♠ ♠ ♠
having my wisdom teeth out wasn't as bad as i thought actually!
and drama was super fun today!

Kirstie, Katie and McFly