Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

We're Famous Now

I left my house and headed for work earlier than usual today. I've been home for about a week and Kirstie called me last to complain that I wasn't going to be there for their little McFly Christmas Special. I told her that I wish I could be there but I had to work. And as I pulled into the employee lot, I parked and quickly ran inside, the wind whipping the cold snow in my face. I went all the way up the stairs and right to my desk, dropping the large cardboard box I had been carrying on my chair and going to my bosses office.

“Hey, Mr. Cooper?” I said, knocking lightly on his door.

“Katie! You're early this morning, come on in.” He said, motioning for me to come in. “So, what brings you into my office?” he asked, folding his hands on his desk.

“Well......I've been doing some thinking......and uh.......” I paused, twisting the fabric of my sweater. “I quit.” I stated. He smiled and laughed a little, leaning back in his chair.

“I had a feeling. I'll be honest with you, once you go to London, you never want to leave. Listen, you've been the best damn employee I've had in years and I know a few friends out there who would be willing to help you out. I'll email you a list of jobs in area.” he said. Wow......that was easy!

“Thank you, sir.” I said, smiling myself.

“Hey, good luck out there.” he said, smiling before returning to his computer.

I smiled to myself as I went back to my desk and started shoving all of my things into the box. After nearly an hour of placing framed pictures and little things into the box, I was ready to leave. I placed a call into the car company in London and told them I would be arriving that afternoon. I got in my car, where the last of my suitcases where stuff in my trunk and placed the box in the trunk. I made sure to duct tape the hell out of everything. Most of my things were already waiting in the customs office out at the airport in London.

I checked my bags at the airport and found my gate, sitting in a seat and looking out at the large runway. My plane had just arrived and boarding would begin as soon as everyone was off the plane. I pulled out my phone and sipped my coffee before placing a call in to Kirstie. Christmas was in two days and the airport was packed with people trying to get to their families. After two rings, she answered.

Katie!” She cheered.

“Hey! I hope I didn't wake you.” I said with a laugh.

“It's one in the afternoon. I'm pretty sure you woke Harry though. He's passed out on our couch.” she said with a laugh.

“Aw, I miss you guys.” I said with a little pout.

“We miss you too! Danny was doing a video chat with fans last night and they kept asking if you were going to be in the special with us!” she said.

“Aw, really!?” I said with a smile in my voice.

“Yeah, we're famous now.” she teased. The woman at the desk said my plane was now boarding and I grabbed my purse and coffee. “What was that?” Kirstie asked.

“Oh, just some woman in my office. She was talking about how her husband wanted to board up their Cape house for the winter.” I covered.

“Oh. Well, I've gotta get back to wrapping presents. I tried to send yours today but the post office was closed!” she whined.

“That's okay, it'll be a nice after Christmas surprise.” I said, getting in line and handing my pass to the woman. She smiled at me and I smiled back as I went on the plane.

“Yeah.......I guess I'll call you on Christmas.” she said, obviously a little sad.

“Bye Kirstie.” I said with a smile and hung up.

I sat in my seat by the window and smiled to myself, buckling in and leaning my head against the cool window. I eventually fell asleep mid-flight, dreaming of the typical Christmas things that I do. No sugar plums though but Tom is there. I woke up to a flight attendant shaking me lightly. I smiled at her and grabbed my things, hurrying off the plane. I went down to get my bags and saw the man I had talked to from the car dealership. He smiled and walked over, helping me with my bags and bringing me out to beautiful black BMW. I thanked him as he handed me the keys and I got in. What Kirstie doesn't know is that I applied and received a license out here while we were home from tours. But driving on the left still scares the hell out of me.

I drove down to the customs offices, which were on the other side of the airport. I went in and signed a load of papers before I received all my boxes, which were full of clothes and little things. All my furniture stayed in my apartment since I wanted it to sell quickly. I stuffed my new car and started driving to Kirstie and Tom's house. The sun had just gone down and the snow was tinted orange from the street lights. Kirstie texted me a few times but I knew better than to text and drive. Eventually, I got to their house. I parked on the street and got out, leaving my presents and such in the car. I could see through the large window in the front all of them decorating a large tree. I smiled to myself and decided to play James Bond, sneaking around cars and grabbing a few snowballs. I threw one right at the window, making a big splat of snow in the center. They all jumped and looked out the window. I stayed hiding behind Kirstie's car.

“Hello?” I heard Harry call, peaking out the door. I smirked and stayed still, arm full of snowballs.

“Anyone there?” I heard Dougie ask.

“I dunno.” Harry said, stepping outside, looking and then going back in. I threw two more at the window and flew back to the ground. This time, everyone stepped out onto the lawn.

“It's probably some neighbor kids.” Tom said. I smiled and stood up, pelting everyone with snow balls.

AMERICAN ATTACK!” I yelled, jumping out and throwing more snow at them.

KATIE!” Kirstie screamed, running and knocking me over onto the slippery and snowy driveway.

“Surprise!” I giggled as she moved off me. I laid in the driveway and made a snow angel before standing up and wiping my pants off.

“I can't believe you're here!” Tom cheered, running over and picking me up, spinning us in circles. He placed me down and smiled down at me.

“I thought work wouldn't let you leave?” Danny asked, coming over and hugging me as well.

“Well.......I kind of.......quit.” I said, blushing a little.

“You quit!?” Harry asked, hugging me, then Dougie as well.

“And uh.....my house was put on the market. I got my license here while we had time off from tour. I have a car now and I was planning on looking at apartments after Christmas.” I said.

“Wait! So you're moving out here!?” Kirstie asked, her eyes getting wide.

“Well.......that's the idea.” I said. She let out a wild scream and attacked me again. I laughed as we fell back into the snowbank.

“Oh my god! I can't believe it! Don't worry about work, I can help you!” She said.

“My old boss has that covered. He knows people out here, he's helping me out.” I said. She smiled and helped me up again.

“Let's go inside! We're just finishing the tree.” she said, jumping a little and smiling.

I smiled as she ran inside, followed by Danny, Dougie, and Harry. Tom stayed behind with me as I looked up at the snow falling. He kicked snow around a little before moving a little closer. I smiled over at him, taking his hand and lacing our fingers together. My hand instantly warmed up. He smiled over at me and gently pulled me over and held me. We both smiled before he slowly pulled us both back inside.
♠ ♠ ♠
This got so long!
shows how badly I want it to be December. There's just something so......i dunno, magical about those few weeks before Christmas :)
