Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies


I let out a yawn as I woke up and stretched my arms out. I stumbled to the bathroom, half asleep and pulled my hair into a pony tail as well as some socks. Just then, the realization hit me….IT’S CHRISTMAS MORNING!

”DANNY! IT’S CHRISTMAS! I screamed while running into the guest room and jumping up and down on the bed to wake him up.

”CHRISTMAS!” He yelled while bolting up. “Come on!”

Danny grabbed my hand and drug me into Harry’s room whom we woke up next. Just then, the three of us headed to Dougie’s room but I quickly stopped.

“Um, you guys wake Dougie up and I’m gonna get Tom,” I told them not wanting to see Dougie after our awkward moment and ran to his room.

He wasn’t in there though. Tom is a big kid just like me so he’s probably already downstairs. I tromped down the stairs but stopped short.

Lying on the couch, all cuddled up together under a blanket was Tom and Katie. Awww, how cute? I ran and jumped onto the two, causing them to wake up.


“We’re not lovebirds,” Tom groaned while pushing the hair out of her face.

“Let’s open presents!” Harry yelled as the boys ran down the stairs.

“We have to have breakfast first,” Katie piped in.

“Let’s just bring breakfast into the living room and eat while we’re opening presents,” Dougie suggested.

“Yeah!” Danny smiled as we all headed into the kitchen.

Katie and I quickly cooked up some chocolate chip pancakes while the guys got out the plates and drinks.

“Alright, let’s go do presents!” I buzzed.

All of us took our plates and drinks then clustered around the tree the was full of presents.

“So I think the two lovers should open first,” I teased while looking at Katie and Tom.

“We’re not lovers,” Katie rolled her eyes.

“But you will be,” Dougie sang.

“Can we just open presents,” Tom groaned.

“Yeah! Present time!” Danny chanted.

We started doing presents and a few times I stole a glance at Dougie. Just seeing him made my stomach turn into knots. I’m so confused over this but I don’t know what to do about it. After time this awkwardness will go away…right?
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mmhmm cookies sound good...

Kirstie and Tom