Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Merry Christmas

“Come on, Kirstie. You need to talk with Dougie.” I said as we sat on her bed. The boys had gone back to their families to celebrate with them. We were seeing Tom and Kirstie's family tomorrow morning. Kirstie sighed and played around with her new camera. Everyone had chipped in and bought me a new laptop.

“Can't it wait? At least until after the holiday's?” she said.

“It can't wait forever, Kirst. It's obvious he likes you.” I said, causing her to smile a little. She hummed a little bit of Obviously and snapped a picture of me. We heard a guitar strumming downstairs and Kirstie grinned.

“I know someone who likes you. A lot.” she said quietly.

“Oh really now?” I said, raising an eyebrow.

“I've been sworn to secrecy.” she said.

“Whatever, Kirstie!” I teased, getting up and leaving. Tom was on the couch, singing and playing All About You. He looked up at the stairs as I headed for the guest room.

“Hey! I have one more present for you.” He said, making me stop.

“What?” I asked.

“Get dressed.” he said, smiling and going back to playing.

I went and showered, dressing and doing my hair before jogging down the stairs. Tom handed me my coat and took my hand, pulling me out to his car. He handed me a bandana and smirked, tying it behind my head and seating me in the car. He refused to tell me where we were going, no matter how many times I asked or begged. Eventually the car came to a stop and Tom ran out, taking my hands and pulling me out with him. He untied the bandana, revealing a beautiful frozen lake. He handed me a pair of ice skates, a giant smirk on his face.

“This had better be safe.” I teased through a smile as I tied them on.

“I promise.” He said, taking my hand and pulling me out onto the ice with him. I couldn't help but start laughing as we moved around, occasionally slipping a little.

“Now, be honest, how did you know I love ice skating?” I asked, looking up at him. He held my hands tighter and smiled at me.

“You took us skating when we visited you in Boston........and Kirstie told me.” he said shyly.

“You could have just asked me!” I said with a smile.

“But it would have ruined the surprise!” he whined, imitating my voice.

“Stop it!” I giggled, shoving him lightly. He wobbled and fell onto his butt, causing me to start laughing harder.

“Ow! I think my ass is broken.” he whined, rubbing his behind as he tried to stand up. I helped him up, despite my laughter. “How's it look?” he asked, turning around.

“I don't think it's broken.” I said, trying to stop laughing. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I'm really happy that you're here.” he said after a long silence.

“It's probably one of the craziest things I've ever done.” I said, smiling.

“But are you happy with it?” he asked.

“Yes, definitely.” I said, making him smile. “And.........I think I'll stay with you and Kirstie.” I said, making him smile.

“Good.........I like being around you.” he said, quietly.

“I do too.” I said, feeling a blush forming on my cheeks. I looked down to our feet and then back up at Tom, who was smiling even more now.

“Katie?” he said.

“Tom?” I teased, making him laugh.

We just looked into each others eyes for what seemed like forever. I didn't even notice we were both leaning closer to each other. Tom stopped moving just a move away from my lips and looked right into my eyes, sucking in a deep breath. I felt the butterflies going crazy in my stomach, my knees were wobbling and I thought I was going to pass out.

“Merry Christmas.” he said. And then he kissed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm watching the Kardashians and honestly............
Kim and Kris=fucking adorable!

