Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Care To Explain

I was bored while Tom was taking Katie for her ‘special ice skating surprise.’ I think it’s super cute and if they come back and Katie isn’t his girlfriend I’m going to beat that boy up!

I curled up on the couch with a blanket and flipped through my pictures that I took earlier. Everyone got me a new camera and I was so happy! The one I used is kind of beat up because I dropped it one time and so it didn’t always work right but I was snapping everyone’s pictures this morning.

Just then, I stopped on one of Dougie smiling and I thought about what Katie said. I guess I do need to talk to him…. But I don’t want to. I mean, it’s awkward but I don’t want to actually talk to him about it because that’s more awkward.

“Oh Kirstie,” I heard Tom sing as the door opened.

“Yeah?” I asked without taking my eyes off of the camera screen.

He just cleared his throat and I eventually looked up and saw Tom standing there, with Katie next to him…and they were holding hands..

”Oh my gosh! Please tell me you’re together!” I squealed while jumping up.

“We are!” Katie cheered.

”AH! YAY!” I squealed while hugging each of them tightly.

The three of us sat on the couch and I smiled over at the two and said, “Geez Tom, I was starting to think that you’d never say anything.”

“I did, I just took my time,” He smiled, wrapping his arms around Katie. “Oh and I think Katie has something she wants to tell you.”

“I’m going to stay here,” She grinned.

“Yeah!” I cheered, pumping my fists in the air and then kissing Katie’s cheek. “Only you two better not be making on each other all the time!”

“Well once you talk to Dougie, you two can be making on each other,” Katie grinned.

“What is this about?” Tom questioned. “Does my little sis have a crush on my friend?”

“There’s more to it than that,” I mumbled.

“Care to explain?” He asked.

I let out a sigh and ran a hand through my hair before starting, “Two days ago when all the guys were here, I went into the guest room Dougie was in and we were teasing and joking around then all the sudden he just kissed me.”

”He kissed you?” Tom asked.

“Yeah only I didn’t know what to do and all the sudden he pulled away and apologized then I left and it’s been awkward ever since,” I groaned.

“I’m sorry Kirst,” Tom cooed, hugging me.

“But I told her to talk to him,” Katie piped in.

“That’s a good idea,” He added.

“I don’t want to though,” I sighed.

“Well tomorrow the family is coming over and then after that all the guys are coming for a movie marathon so you’ll have to figure out what to do before then,” Tom said.

“I don’t want to think about it,” I muttered.

“We’re both hear to talk if you need us though,” Katie added.

“Thanks guys,” I smiled, hugging them both.

I’m so glad that those two are finally together but now I just need to figure out what to do about my little situation. I suppose if I just ignore it, it’ll go away right?
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gonna go get some pizza soon, yummy yummy yummy i got love in my tummy