Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Don't Hate Me!

I let out a groan as Katie and Tom were being all lovey…again! Tom got her a necklace and they were being all kissy and gross but the doorbell rang and it saved me! I ran to the door and opened it, finding my dad standing there.

”DAD!” I squealed, jumping up and into his arms. I don’t care if I’m 22, I’m still a kid at heart.

“Kirstie!” He beamed, hugging me tightly. “How’s my girl?”

“Good,” I grinned. “Where is everyone else?”

“Here! And we brought food!” I heard my Aunt shout while she came walking up along with a bunch of my cousins and my Uncle.

We shared lots of hugs and Tom and Katie came over to have hugs too. Aunt Stephanie and I took the food into the kitchen before heading out into the living room and sitting down with everyone as they were talking about something related to McFly.

“We’re glad you could be back for Christmas and not be on tour,” Dad said.

“Yeah, me too,” Tom smiled. “And then I get to spend time with you guys.”

“Especially Katie!” I teased as their faces got red.

“Tom, do you like Katie?” My little cousin Max asked.

“Well she’s my girlfriend so yeah,” Tom whispered back loudly.

”She’s your girlfriend?” Dad asked.

“Don’t hate me!” Katie playfully said.

“I wouldn’t hate you,” Dad laughed while going over to hug her. “I’m glad that Tom finally got a good girlfriend.”

“Awwww,” Everyone cooed.

“So when are you going to get a boyfriend Kirstie?” Dad chuckled.

“Funny,” I rolled my eyes.

“Well she already likes someone,” Tom teased.

“Oooh who is it?” Uncle Charles asked.

“No one,” I mumbled.

“It’s Dougie,” Katie told everyone.

“He’s totally adorable,” Aunt Steph smiled.

“We have something kind of awkward going on right now,” I told them. “So we won’t be going out anytime soon.”

“Maybe that’s better though, I mean you know the press would go crazy over that,” Dad said.

“And then if you guys broke up you’d still have to see him a lot,” my Uncle added.

“Can we not talk about this anymore,” I sighed.

“I still think you should talk to him,” Katie said into my ear.

“Oh! You guys should see what Katie got us!” Tom buzzed, jumping up and grabbing our lightsabers.

The two of us ran around and started battling back and forth. It was nice because it took my mind off of Dougie for a little bit. All I wanted to do was forget and not be with him but then when my family thought that it was better that I didn’t, it made me kind of sad. Urg, why do I have to like him?
♠ ♠ ♠
ugh, school tomorrow...... bummer....
