Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

They'll Be Home Soon

“I miss them already.” Kirstie whined as we cleaned around the house. The boys had gone back on tour and Kirstie and I stayed home. I needed to get a job and Kirstie wanted to get a real job as she called.

“They'll be home soon.” I said, feeding Marvin.

“I haven't heard you complain about missing Tom once!” she teased.

“I talk to him every night.” I said with a shrug. “Wanna look for jobs today?” I asked.

“Yeah, lets go!” she said.

We both got into her car and drove into London, looking for the places on the list my old boss gave me. We started out looking for jobs and ended up going shopping. Kirstie had brought her camera with her, snapping pictures of us, the people on the streets, and the growing crowd of photographers. I never knew how famous the boys were until I went into the city a few times. They seemed to know all of my business and it kind of bothered me sometimes. But Kirstie was always there to get them to back off of us. We retreated into a quiet restaurant and sat in the corner.

“So, how are you and Dougie?” I asked.

“Really good.” she said, blushing a little.

“Aw! You guys are so cute!” I teased, pinching her cheeks. She laughed and looked down at her food, her face a little pink. “so.......um......whose Frankie?” I asked. She seemed to stop breathing for a moment before looking up at me.

“Dougie used to date her.......they were pretty serious and then they just kind of, broke up.” she said, playing with her pasta.

“Those photographers kept saying stuff about her, I was just wondering.” I said.

“They want to create problems, that's what they do.” she said. “And if you're wondering, Giovanna is an old girlfriend of Tom's. He was........serious with her as well but a few years ago they broke up.” she said.

“Oh.....” I said.

“Don't worry, he's over her now.........well, you know that, he's dating you.” she said, sensing my tension.

“I know. It's just........interesting, that's all.” I said with a smile.

“He really cares about you, Katie. He wouldn't do anything to you.” she said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

“Thanks, Kirstie.” I said. We stayed silent for a moment before she cleared her throat.

“We should probably get back to job hunting, huh?” she said.

“Yeah, we definitely need too.” I said with a laugh.

“There's a company I want to check out and I think it's near one of yours.” she said.

“Great! We can meet outside after.” I said.

We took off for the job interviews, hoping that we could both get ourselves some sort of job. As we walked, the pops kept following us, their cameras clicking every second. They were yelling questions at us, which I had to try and ignore, knowing that they could twist everything I say into something horrible. I don't even know if I'm really prepared for this.
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I don't have any problems with Giovanna. I fucking love her and her and Tom are just the cutest things ever!!! :D
Frankie, she doesn't bother me, but I did feel bad for Dougie :(.
But yeah, just so you know before people wanna flip out or anything lol..
