Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

I Feel So Used

I had just finished off my first day at my new job and I was flying high. I picked up a hot chocolate and now I was walking down the streets of London, heading towards my car. I happened to pass by a news stand, where they were selling the latest gossip magazines and papers. I normally ignore the stands but there was a common picture on most of them, so I decided to just glance. That's when I thought I was going to throw up. On the covers, was a picture of Tom kissing Giovanna. It certainly wasn't an old picture, as I could see my necklace on his neck. I let him hold onto it last time I saw him. I forced myself to walk away, feeling the tears forming in my eyes. The photographers followed me to my car, snapping pictures in my face. And now that they knew that I knew about it, they hounded me with questions.

I managed to ignore them as I got into my car and drove back to Kirstie's. Her car wasn't there and when I walked in, there was note on the kitchen table. Family Emergency, I'll be back tonight. It said. I suddenly felt my legs give out as I fell to the floor and started to cry. I had no one to talk to and I was an ocean away from my family. Just as I thought things couldn't get any worse, my phone started vibrating with messages from Tom. I couldn't even look at them. There was a sudden knock on the front door. I got up, wiping my eyes quickly and opening it to see Harry standing there.

“Come on, you're staying with me.” he said, stepping inside.

“What?” I asked, trying to cover up the weakness in my voice.

“Just, come on.” he said, dragging me up to my room. He explained that they were taking some time off from tour, hoping to let things in the media settle down. And he also explained that everyone was pissed with Tom and the rest of them didn't want me to have to deal with being around him. So I was staying with Harry. Thank god, I don't know how I would do with Danny or Dougie.

I packed up my things while Harry waited downstairs. Every few minutes, he would come up to check and make sure I was okay. I finished up and followed him outside and to his car. We seemed to drove forever, though he only live a few streets away. His house was lovely, considering he was a guy and lived mostly alone. He showed me the guest room and left me alone for a bit. As I was unpacking, my phone started ringing, Kirstie's number and picture flashing on my screen. I debated whether I should answer but in the end, decided too.

“Katie! Please don't hang up!” Kirstie pleaded.

“Kirstie.....” I squeaked, feeling the tears coming again. I let out a little sob and bit into my sleeve.

“Oh god, I'm so sorry, I......I don't what to do! He's my brother and I'm so upset with him but you're my best friend and........god!” she said quickly.

“Kirstie, I feel so used.” I said quietly.

“No, no, don't say that.” she said.

“Kirstie, I.....I don't think I can really talk right now.” I said.

“I understand.........talk to me when you can. I love you, girl.” she said.

“I love you too, Kirst.” I said. I hung up and collapsed onto the bed, burying my face into the large amount of pillows. I heard a quiet knock on the door. I mumbled a come in and I could hear footsteps until they stopped at the side of the bed. It was silent for a moment before the bed sank by my side and a hand started gently rubbing my back.

“I'm really sorry about this.” Harry said.

“It's not your fault.....I'm just stupid for falling for these terrible guys.” I said, tears soaking the pillow I was mumbling into.

“You're not stupid.” he said.

“I must be if I keep getting cheated on.” I said.

“No. You're a beautiful woman and you're very smart. It just.......happens.” he said. We were silent for a few minutes before he spoke up again. “I really don't know what to say. I don't want to speak badly of Tom but.......he's a dick.” he said, making me snort out a quick laugh.

“It's alright, you don't need to say anything. I just want someone around.” I said. I heard shuffling and then a quick little laugh.

“When was this?” he asked. I lifted my head off the pillow and looked at him, and at a picture of him I had taken during tour.

“Tour, I was just kind of creeping on everyone.” I said. He looked into my eyes and frowned a little before looking back at the phone. He pressed a few buttons and handed it to me, the picture now my background.

“Something pretty to look at.” he said, making me laugh a little.

“Thanks, Harry.” I teased, wiping my eyes. We were quiet for a bit before he announced that when I was hungry, to come down and we would order take out and watch trashy chick flicks. Now all I need is Kirstie and this heart-mending process would be able to start.
♠ ♠ ♠
oh no!
Thank goodness for Harry :P
I'm really hungry hahaha.
