Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Just A Fake Story

I went to work today, the streets of London full of people. It was a normal day, despite my coworkers asking me if I was alright. After work, I started my walk to the parking garage. I thought I was home free until the pops showed up out of no where, their cameras clicking and flashing as I walked by. They were shouting at me, questions popping up everywhere. I was still fuming from yesterday, when I saw my face on the covers, saying that I was sick and looked terrible, heartbroken and saying that I was suicidal, some saying that I wasn't eating. okay, maybe that one is true.

“Are you and Tom officially broken up?” one asked as I got closer to my car.

“Yes.” I responded, trying to walk faster. I felt myself getting dizzy and suddenly, a photographer was catching me. They all crowded around, a few taking pictures but some actually concerned. They helped me to my feet and walked me to my car. Some asked if they should call an ambulance. I dismissed them and took off in my car.

I had recently rented an apartment, since I had felt bad about invading in Harry's space. It was only temporary, until I could find a more permanent place. It was the fanciest of places, or the safest according to Kirstie but it was what I could afford on such short notice. I parked and locked my car before stumbling inside, kicking off my heels and collapsing onto my couch with a long sigh. I heard a shuffling noise, making me sit up and looked around the corner. Kirstie was standing in my kitchen, a worried look on her face.

“I thought it was just a fake story, that the magazines were making up.” She said, cautiously stepping into the living room.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Katie......your clothes barely fit you. They're so.....baggy and you look so.....frail.” she said softly.

“I'm fine, Kirstie. Just a little cold.” I said.

“Don't lie to me, you know I hate that.” she said.

“Really, I'm okay!” I said, forcing myself to laugh. She sighed and sat next to me, looking at me and looking away quickly.

“Everyone is really worried......especially Tom.” she said.

“I refuse to get cheated on again, Kirstie. Three times this has happened to me, I'm not falling for it again.” I snapped, crossing my arms.

“He was telling the truth, Katie!” she defended.

“I've heard that story before, Kirst. She kissed me, yeah, okay, and I’m a leprechaun.” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Well........you are Irish.” she teased, making me shove her lightly.

“Where's your claddagh?” She asked, looking at my hand.

“It.....uh.....kind of......kept falling off.” I said, looking down. She stood up quickly and stomped into my room, banging drawers. “Now what?” I asked, getting up and going after her.

“You're going to kill yourself if I leave you here, you're coming home.” she said, throwing my clothes into suitcases. The furniture wasn't even mine, I had been renting it and using a futon as a bed. It sucks.

“No! I'm not going to be around him!” I snapped.

“I refuse to leave you here! You'll just have to deal with it.” she said. There's no use arguing with Kirstie when she gets like this, she's stubborn and won't give up. So I let her continue to pack up all of my things and bring them down to our cars. She grabbed me in one arm, my heels in the other and dragged me down. “Let's go.” she said, handing me my shoes and getting into her car.

I threw my heels in my car and sat behind the wheel for a moment, watching Kirstie talk briefly on the phone with someone in her car before hanging up and driving. I followed behind her, fighting back the headache I could feel coming. And as we got closer to her house, it started to snow.
♠ ♠ ♠
and Kirstie to the rescue!
I'm hungry! lol
