Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

The Biggest Crush

TOM AND KATIE ARE BACK TOGETHER! I’m so happy and relieved at the same time. Those two need each other bad and we’re all helping Katie and now she’s back to normal. Since Tom and Katie are pretty serious now, Katie’s brother decided to come visit for a little while.

“I can’t wait for Jesse to come,” Katie smiled as we were laying around with all the guys at Tom and my house.

“I haven’t seen him in so long, since I graduated and how old was he then? Twenty?” I asked.

“Yeah, it’s weird to think he’s almost twenty five now,” Katie spoke up.

“Same with Tom, it’s weird to think my brother is that old,” I teased while poking his side.

“I’m not old mentally though,” Tom sang, causing us all to laugh.

“I’m never going to mentally grow up,” Danny said.

“You couldn’t if you tried,” Harry snickered.

“I don’t think any of us could,” Dougie smiled as I kissed his cheek.

“I’m kind of nervous about meeting Jesse,” Tom said. “And you said he’s a fireman right?”

“Aw, you’ll love him, I think you two will really get along and yes he’s a fireman,” Katie stated.

“I don’t think you couldn’t love Jesse, he’s tough and strong but he’s so sweet and gentle,” I beamed. “You totally will love Jesse.”

“You would know,” Katie snickered.

“Why do you say that?” Harry asked.

“Kirstie used to have the biggest crush on him,” She laughed while my face turned red.

“Oh I think I remember you telling me about that when you would visit when you were in high school,” Tom smiled.

“Oooh Dougie,” Danny teased.

“Oh come on, it’s not like I like him anymore,” I rolled my eyes and Dougie just smiled and kissed me. “He is really hot though… just saying.”

“We should probably go pick him up from the airport,” Katie spoke up.

“Yeah, we’ll pick him up and then bring him back here and you guys can meet him then, so he’s not overwhelmed all at once,” I said.

We grabbed our shoes and I got my keys and said a quick goodbye to the guys before heading out the door.

“I remember how much I liked your brother back in high school,” I giggled as we were driving.

“You used to get really flustered in front of him,” She laughed.

“I was such a dork,” I hysterically laughed.

“It was funny though,” Katie smiled.

“I miss seeing Jesse though, he’s such a good guy and he was so nice to us, always taking us places and accompanying us to stuff when our parents wouldn’t let us go alone. Jesse is so funny too,” I grinned.

“I miss my brother too, I can’t wait for him to meet Tom, he’s going to love him!” She glowed.

We got to the airport and waited and scanned the crowd. Soon I saw a tall, 6’2 frame coming and knew it was Jesse. His short brown curly locks topped of his head as his bright blue eyes shined and stubble was covering part of his face.

”JESSE!” Katie and I squealed.

He turned around and spotted us, smiling brightly before coming over. Katie hugged him and they shared a nice brother/sister moment before parting. Jesse then looked at me and opened his arms. I let out a squeal and jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly.

“I missed you Jesse,” I told him.

“I missed you too Kirst,” He said while putting me down and looking at me. “Wow, you really grew up. You look a lot different but you still have the same eyes and smile.”

“You look the same…but older,” I giggled at my own statement.

“Well thanks for letting me come stay with you and your brother,” Jesse said while picking up his bags and the three of us headed outside.

“Her brother, who is my adorable boyfriend who you are going to love,” Katie sang.

“I know I’ll love him, if you think he’s so great and he’s Kirstie’s boyfriend, I bet he’s wonderful,” He smiled at Katie.

“He is,” She blissfully sighed.

“Don’t go all ewie on me, remember that’s my brother and I don’t care to hear about what you do with him,” I giggled.

She just rolled her eyes as Jesse laughed. We headed back home and I couldn’t wait for everyone to meet him. He’s such a great guy and I remembered why I used to have such a big crush on him…
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thanks Katie! i had an awesome birthday!

Kirstie and Jesse