Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies


“Kirstie! Wake up!” I yelled, jumping onto her bed. She stirred and made a loud groaning noise before opening her eyes.

“Katie....” she whined, glancing at the clock. “It's only 11:30 pm! I just went to bed an hour ago!” she closed her eyes again.

“Get up, we've got a long flight.” I said, getting off her and turning on the lights.

“What do you mean, we've got a flight!?” she said, now sitting up and looking thoroughly confused.

“We're going to surprise the boys in Australia! Dougie and Tom are still there for another week, doing sight seeing and stuff.” I said, pulling her suitcase out of her closet. At the mention of seeing Dougie, she was up and out of her bed, stuffing clothes into the suitcase at lightning speed.

“I'm so excited! I can't wait to congratulate him in person!” she said, her full smile showing.

“Hurry up, we've got to leave soon.” I said, going out and handing my bags to my brother, who went to place them in the car. Kirstie was done the stairs, her hair falling out of the bun she had put it in and thrust her suitcase at my brother. We locked up and we got in the car, heading off to the airport.

A 22 hour long flight and multiple coffees later, we arrived in Australia, exhausted and ready to pass out. My brother was the only one who slept through most of the flight. We grabbed out bags and got a rental car, which my brother took the keys for and drove us to our hotel, checked us in, brought our bags up and then woke us up, helping us from the car to the room. I had booked a suite, so everyone had their own bed. My brother dropped Kirstie into her bed first, then me into mine. It was midnight when we had arrived and hours later, we were awake and massively jet lagged. Kirstie came stumbling into the main room and sat next to me on the couch. My brother had gone to work out in the hotel's gym.

“So, how are we going to get to the boys?” she asked, rubbing her face.

“I know they're going to visit the opera house this morning, then they're going to the beach.” I said.

“Oh! We should surprise them at the beach! At least if we're early, we can get some sun or swim.” she suggested. I practically squirmed at the idea. “What's wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing.” I said. She stared at me and crossed her arms. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.

“I....I'm just nervous about Tom seeing me without.....that much clothing.” I said, making her laugh. What's so funny about my insecurities, Kirstie!?

“Oh please! I'm sure you two.....” she paused and looked at me, gasping quietly. “You haven't.....oh.” she said. “Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to laugh! I just thought....”

“It's fine, Kirstie. I'm kind of......waiting for that.” I said, feeling my face heat up. We were silent for a moment before she spoke up again.

“Katie, you're gorgeous. Trust me, we've gone to the beach together before! There's nothing wrong with your body!” she said, elbowing me lightly.

“I know that, I'm just.....I dunno. He makes me nervous.” I said.

“Well duh, you two love each other. It's normal. Now come on, call him and ask if they're still going.” she said, gently pushing me into my room.

I called the boys and they had just arrived at the beach, telling me the name without having asked, I smirked and hung up, running out to Kirstie. She ran down to the gym while I showered and got ready. She came up and got ready, along with my brother and we were off. We got there and laid down our blankets and put on sunscreen. Ian volunteered to go spying and see if he could find the boys so we could slowly creep over. I think he used it more of an excuse to go running and talk to girls.

“Come on, Katie! You can't keep that thing on all day.” Kirstie said, gently tugging on my dress.

“Of course I can!” I defended, rolling my eyes at her. She stared me down and I gave up, throwing it into my bag. She gasped as I turned around.

“When did you get that!?” she asked. Part of the reason I had covered up, was that I had a tattoo on my side.

“About two years ago.” I said with a blush, laying on the blanket.

“Look at you! Rocker chic!” she teased. “It's really nice though, what's it for?” she asked.

“My grandparent's on my dad's side. They died a few years ago and when I went for their funeral, I got it done in their country. They both loved lilies.” I said, making her smile.

“Which country were they from?” she asked, turning more towards me.

“Russia, actually. How do you think I ended up so blonde haired and blue eyed.” I joked. She smiled and laughed with me.

“I love it. And Tom has tattoos, so don't worry.” she said. My brother came back, covered in sweat and a huge smirk on his face.

“They're just a few feet down that way.” he said, grabbing our things. I looked over at Kirstie and she smiled, linking her arm with mine. Surprise!
♠ ♠ ♠
Dougie is the Jungle King!
I had to watch everything online because we live in the U.S
