Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

I'm Stuck

This afternoon Katie took us to the ice rink and we all got laced up in our skates before going out. This used to be one of my favorite things to do, Katie and I would do this so often and it was nice to get to do it again.

The boys were busy getting a go at it while Katie and I held hands, going around the rink at our leisure. I decided now would be a good time to bring up what I’ve been wanting to since this morning.

“So I take it Chris is still being a jerk?” I asked. She’s told me a lot about him and now that I see it firsthand, I see how much a jerk he is.

“I just don’t get him!” Katie groaned.

“He’s a workaholic and a mean one,” I muttered, feeling immediately angry at how my best friend is being treated.

“I’m sick and tired of taking a backseat to everything,” She went on.

I led her off of the ice and we sat down on a bench that was along the outer wall. I immediately pulled her in for a hug before we sat down.

“If you want to talk, I’m here to listen,” I told her.

“It’s just…we hardly see each other anymore and when we do all he talks about work and complains about Hanna and how annoying she is and it just ticks me off,” Katie revealed. “He works so much and whenever she says they need to work he jumps at it even though he doesn’t like her. He’s so obsessed with work.”

“Katie,” I gingerly started. “Do you think….he might be…cheating?

Her eyes got wide before saying, “I don’t know, I’m so mad at him right now I don’t even want to think about that.”

I just pulled her in for another hug before Harry came over and sat down on the other side of Katie.

“This is hard!” He said to us.

“Yeah, it takes a while to get used to,” Katie told him.

”KIRSTIE!” I heard Tom shout. ”I’m stuck!”

I looked out on the ice and saw my big brother sitting in the middle of the rink with Danny laying next to him, cracking up while Dougie held onto the wall engulfed in laughter.

“Oh my gosh,” I giggled to myself while sharing a snicker with Harry and Katie before getting up and skating out to the middle.

“How do we get up?” Danny asked.

“Here,” I said while holding my hands out to them.

“We were doing good until we crashed into each other,” Tom chuckled once the boys were both up.

“Let’s do it again!” Danny yelled while the two started skating around.

I was about to go over and sit with Harry and Katie again but I saw Dougie, struggling to keep his footing. Awww poor guy.

“Dougie, come with me,” I smiled while holding both my hands out to him.

“Don’t let me fall,” Dougie laughed while taking my hands as we started gliding along.

“If you don’t fall, I won’t let you fall,” I giggled.

Just then, he had slightly let go of my hand and started to slide around. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him tightly as he grabbed onto me so he didn’t fall. We were holding each other tightly and I looked up at him and for the first time I realized how incredibly beautiful his blue eyes are…woah woah woah, um what? Did I seriously just think that?

I quickly shook it off and we held hands again and skated around the rink. Danny and Tom of course had to come try to push us down but then Katie and Harry got back on the ice and they turned their attention to Harry since he was trying to push them back. All in all it was a fun day but if Chris shows up again I swear I’m going to punch him in the nose.
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Just finished watching an episode of McFly On the Wall, gosh they're so cute!

Kirstie, Katie and McFly
