Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies


“So, is Kirstie really serious about this Dougie guy?” My brother asked as we walked through the airport. The boys were heading back out on another tour, so my brother, Kirstie and I were heading off to Vegas.

“Yeah, I would say so, why?” I asked. Kirstie was in the process of getting Starbucks.

“What, no definite answer?” he asked. I raised an eyebrow at him and crossed my arms.

“Why do you care so much?” I asked.

“Just curious. Jeez.” he said, rolling his eyes and going back over to his seat in the waiting lounge.

I watched him stalk away and plop into his seat before pulling out his iPod and headphones. I checked my phone briefly, not seeing any new calls or texts from Tom. Kirstie came back over and enjoyed her coffee while occasionally giggling at a text from Dougie. I sighed and stared at my phone, texting Tom but never getting a response. We boarded the plane and were off to Vegas. Once we landed, Kirstie insisted on spending some time down at the pool. I suggested we get our nails done then head off to the pool. She was more than excited about it.

“We finally get some girl time! Woo!” she cheered as we walked into the hotel's salon. “I'm getting little Union Jack's. You?”

“French. I'm boring.” I said, making her laugh. She smiled and looked down at her nails being prepped.

“Everything okay with Tom?” she asked. I nodded quickly, looking over at my nails. “Come on.” she urged.

“I don't know. We just....don't talk as much as we used to. It feels strained.” I said with a sigh.

“I'm sure Tom is just pmsing. Just give him a day or two and he'll be back to his old self.” she said, adding in a smile for good measure.

“How about you and the king of the jungle?” I teased. She blushed a little and looked down.

“Really good, actually.” she said quietly.

“Oh my gosh, you guys are so cute it makes me want to puke!” I squealed, making her laugh.

“Stop.” she said, rolling her eyes at me.

“Whatever, Kirstie. Just telling you, those babies will be super adorable.” I teased. She blushed more and stuck her tongue out at me.

“Oh shut up!” she said. We finished getting our nails done and it was off to the pool. We laid out in the chairs and ordered fruity drinks. She was still texting Dougie!

“I thought this was girl time!” I whined.

“It still is!” she whined back.

“Oh, so Dougie grew a uterus?” I teased, causing her jaw to drop. “Kidding! Kidding!” I said.

“Rude!” she said, sliding her sunglasses on and pouting, crossing her arms.

“Do you wanna go to a show tonight?” I asked. “They're playing at a local place down the street. I don't remember the name but I bet it would be fun.”

“Yeah, that sounds cool.” she said, smiling a little.

“And the girls day turns into girls night!” I shouted.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well well well
I win this years horrible person award!
I would just like to thank myself, for never updating this story!


Kirstie! If you still love me!