Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Katie Is On Her Manhunt

“I miss Dougie,” I pouted as Katie and I were getting ready to the show we’re going to tonight.

“I miss Tom too,” She replied.

“We’ll have fun though,” I grinned.

“And we look good, so that makes it better,” Katie laughed.

Once we had finished getting ready, we walked out of the room and found Ian flipping channels on TV.

“Well don’t you girls look pretty,” He smiled.

“Aw, thanks,” I grinned, my cheeks growing red from his compliment.

“Hey, you should come to the show with us!” Katie said, pulling on his hand.

“Okay,” Ian chuckled.

The three of us headed down to the venue and found a band full of cuties on stage. They started playing and they were really good. Katie and I were dancing around like crazy and she kept eyeing one of them. As soon as it was over, Katie went to find the guy while I walked outside to get a breath of fresh air.

“Hey,” I heard a husky voice from behind me say.

I turned around to see Ian’s slightly stubbled face smiling at me.

“What are you doing out here?” He asked.

“Just wanted some air. Bar’s aren’t really my scene anyway and since Katie is on her manhunt I decided to come out here,” I told him.

“It’s not safe for a gorgeous girl like you to be out here all by yourself,” Ian said, wrapping an arm around me.

“I’m fine,” I giggled. “I think I’m actually going to go back to the hotel room,” I told him.

“I’ll go with you,” He replied.

“Won’t Katie be by herself though?” I asked.

“Come inside and I’ll find her. If she’s with her boy toy, I’ll come back with you,” He chuckled.

We went in and found Katie and she was indeed chatting up the cute guy at the counter. I really wasn’t worried though about her and Tom. Katie has always been a flirty person and she’s just talking to him and she really liked their music so she was probably just talking about that. Besides, she wouldn’t cheat on Tom, she’s too good of a person.

“So, you and Dougie…” Ian trailed off as we were walking back.

“What about us?” I questioned.

“Do you like him a lot?” He asked me.

I nodded my head before saying, “I love him…I love him a lot.”

“Oh,” Ian nodded his head.

“He’s a sweetheart and he’s just perfect for me,” I beamed.

“You guys don’t seem like two people who would be really compatible,” He muttered.

“We are though. We’re so close and I can tell him anything. He’s my best friend and we genuinely enjoy each other,” I smiled to myself, just thinking of him.

“That’s good. Cause if he hurts you, he’d have to answer to me,” Ian chuckled and I laughed along with him.

Ian’s comment made me laugh, but I knew I’d never have to worry about that because Dougie wouldn’t hurt me.
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i'm soooo tired!!!