Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Where's The Little Ones?

Kirstie took off to get some fresh air and of course, Ian followed her. But at the moment, I was more concerned with the fact that my best guy friend was just getting off the stage. He's still really handsome. I made my way through the crowd of fans and drunk gamblers, seeing him heading over to the bar. I sucked in a deep breath, and found myself walking over. Alex and I haven't really talked since I had moved back out to Boston. I had lived just outside Vegas for a little while and we had become great friends. Then I got offered my dream job so I packed up to leave, we spent one last night together, partying and going crazy, we could barely remember what happened.

“Alex?” I said, tapping his shoulder. He turned and his eyes widened, a smile spreading across his face.

Katie!” He cheered, picking me up and spinning us in circles. I couldn't help but smile back at him. “What are you doing here!?” he shouted over the crowd. I went to speak but he grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

“I'm on a little vacation with my friend and my brother.” I said, making his smile appear again.

“How long?” he asked.

“About two weeks. We just got here today.” I said.

“We need to hang out! I miss you.” he said, pulling me into his arms again. I noticed an oddly familiar ring dangling from a simple silver chain around his neck. I reached up and played with it, feeling like I knew it.

“Where did you get this? Special girl?” I teased.

“Oh come on, don't play that.” he said with a chuckle. He took it off the chain and then slid it on my left ring finger. “I told you I would hold onto it until you came back.”

I stepped back from his arms and stared down at my hand. The ring was simple but gorgeous, sparkling brightly in the light provided by the orange street lights. The band was simple as well but together, they were perfect. I looked up at Alex, whose face had changed. He looked almost as confused as I was. He let out a weird noise and ran a hand through his now shorter hand.

“You don't remember...” he said slowly. “...we got married your last night here.”

We did, WHAT!?” I snapped.

“We were drunk, I know! But when we woke up, you were fine with it. And you told me you would come back and until then, to hold onto this.” he said, holding my left hand.

“Oh man....oh shit.” I mumbled, running both of my hands through my hair.

“Not exactly the reaction I was looking for.” he said quietly.

“It's not...Alex, I have a boyfriend. He's my best friends brother and...” I trailed off. Alex and Tom were two totally different people, not to mention, from two different countries.

“Can we just talk about this? At my place, I promise, nothing funny.” he said.

“Yeah...alright.” I said.

The drive was quiet, mostly because I was one step away from having a full blown panic attack. Alex helped me out and we went inside his nice little house, which he shared with his band mates. They were still at the bar. He sat me down and got me water, sitting next to me and gently rubbing my back. I've never had an attack around Tom, but Alex has seen it and knows exactly what makes me calm. He even started singing my favorite Beatles songs.

“Better?” he asked, still rubbing my back. I nodded slowly and he got up, running into what I assumed was his room and coming back out with a piece of paper. It was the marriage certificate, with my signature and his.

“I...I don't even know what to say right now.” I said, shaking my head. “So, we've been legally married for almost two years?”

“Yeah...where's the little ones?” he teased, making me laugh a little.

“I don't even know what to tell my boyfriend...if he ever calls me.” I mumbled.

“Trouble in paradise?” he asked. I nodded and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me back and I rested my head on his chest.

“We're so distant lately. I mean, even when I went to visit him in Australia while he was there, it just didn't feel right.” I confessed.

“I'm always here for you, you know that?” he said quietly. I nodded and sighed while he pressed a kiss to my head. I let out a yawn and he chuckled, shifting slightly. “Want me to bring you back to your hotel?”

“No.” I said. He smiled and got up, pulling me to his room. He gave me a pair of shorts and a shirt to wear, I changed and then curled up with him.

“I still love you.” he whispered, wrapping his arms around me. I didn't respond, because I was already falling asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just loooove The Cab
and the Alex's :)
Marshall is gonna stick around, just an fyi ladies ;]

Katie and Alex

Kirstie :D