Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Good Morning, Sexy!

I ended up waking up incredibly early the next day, the sun had barely started to rise when I looked out my window. I could still hear the faint snores of the boys in the other room. I stumbled out of my room and saw that the sliding door to the porch was cracked a little. I saw Kirstie sitting out there, just sitting. I started up the coffee machine and went outside, the air feeling more and more like fall. Kirstie and I always hated that part of August.

“Hey, couldn't sleep?” I asked, pulling up a chair next to her.

“Yeah.” She said, sending me a little smile before looking back to the sunrise.

“Okay......let me try this. Is everything okay?” I said, nudging her lightly. She sighed and rubbed her face with her sleeves.

“I......I think I might like this guy......” she said.

“Aw! Kirstie! That's so cute!” I squealed, clapping my hands. She laughed and shook her head at me.

“Should I tell him? I mean, I'm not even sure if I really do.” she asked.

“Wait until you know for sure. You wouldn't want to string him along.” I said, just as the coffee maker beeped. I smiled at her and got up, going into the kitchen. As I grabbed the coffee cups, I heard something from behind me. As I turned, I saw Tom standing there, shirtless. I screamed, really loud.

“Tom! What are you doing to her!?” Kirstie whispered loudly, running into the room. He threw his arms up in defense. Oh my god........muscles........

“Nothing! I heard someone was up so I went to see! She just screamed!” He defended.

“Sorry, I was just........um......yeah. I didn't mean to scream.” I stuttered. Kirstie raised an eyebrow and and I quickly turned back to the coffee, hoping to hide the blush creeping up my cheeks.

Kirstie went back outside and I quickly brought out our cups. I plopped back in my chair, a shiver going through my body as a cool breeze blew around me. Kirstie took a gulp out of her cup and she couldn't hide the giant grin on her face. I stared back at her, slowly sipping the warm liquid, hoping to heat up my body.

“What?” I asked. She just smiled.

“Since when do you get flustered like that?” She asked back, although I think she knew the answer. I was about to make up some lame excuse when I felt something warm wrap around my shoulders. I looked behind me to see Tom with a smile on his face and a big fluffy hoodie on my shoulders.

“You looked cold.” He said, pulling up a chair, his guitar behind him. I open and closed my mouth like a fish before clearing my throat quickly.

“Thanks.” I squeaked out. He smiled and looked back to tuning his guitar.

Kirstie had this dumb smirk on her face and just started whistling, knowing damn well that I was going to glare at her. We all ended up watching the sunrise with the occasional song by Tom and his guitar. Kirstie would sing a few Beatles songs and then Tom would play some songs from the band. The sounds of the city were coming up the hill, cars honking and the faint sound of the T taking people on their mourning commute. Kirstie sighed and started to smile as she looked over at me.

“Remember when we used to sing in our rooms over the phone to each other?” she said, with a hint of laughter in her voice.

“Oh my god, yes! And your mom would yell at you to stop!” I said with a giggle.

“Or that time I flew out to see you perform with the university's show choir?” she said with a smile.

“Yeah, and your dad was so pissed.” I said with a smile as well.

“She sings?” Tom asked, looking over at Kirstie.

“She's amazing! You wouldn't believe the solos she's had!” she bragged, making me blush. “Come on, Katie! Sing something!” She urged, nudging my shoulder.

“Not right now......maybe another time?” I said. She just stared at me with this sad look on her face.

“He's changed you, hasn't he?” she said softly.

“Chris has not changed me. He just........doesn't like when I'm loud.” I said.

“So he doesn't like the real you.” she stated. I didn't respond, I just sighed. She dropped it and we continued to enjoy the sunrise, that is, until Danny came outside.

“Goooooood morning, gorgeous!” He said, pulling me out of my chair and kissing my cheek. “This is when you say, good morning sexy.” he said, adding in a little wink.

“Danny, leave her alone.” Kirstie said. Danny smiled and looked at me before backing away.

“Okay then, when you are all done with your little friend fest, come inside!” He shouted, shutting the door behind him.

“So......what do you guys want to do today?” I asked.

“Kirstie has a surprise for you.” Tom said.

Kirstie glared at him and then quickly smiled at me. Kirst, what do you have planned?
♠ ♠ ♠
Getting my hurr did tomorrow ;)
and my nails as well! wooo!
school starts though on monday :(
Senior year though.

