Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

So Dramatic

“What is the surprise?” Katie asked.

“Nuh-uh, I’m not telling you until later,” I sang while getting up out of the chair.

“Why not?” She whined.

“Because,” I smiled going inside with her right on my heels. The second I went inside I let out a yell and dropped to the ground, covering my eyes and screaming.

“Kirstie, what’s wrong?” Tom asked while coming over.

“Did you hurt yourself?” Katie questioned.

“My…eyes,” I choked out.

“What’s wrong with your eyes?” Tom went on.

“Danny….Harry…and Dougie….have their shirts off,” I pretended to cry.

“Oh it’s so dramatic,” Danny groaned.

“You’ve seen us with our shirts off millions of times,” Dougie spoke up.

“It’s still gross every time,” I said as Tom, Katie and I all walked over to the couches where they were and I grabbed some shirts and tossed them at them.

“I’m not complaining,” Katie giggled.

“We know,” Danny wiggled his eyebrows.

“Shut up Danny,” Tom told him. “You’re pestering the poor girl.”

“She likes the view,” Danny teased.

“You and Harry have moobs,” I giggled.

“What?” The two shot at me. “What are moobs?”

“They’re man boobs and you do,” I laughed. “Dougie and Tom don’t.”

“That’s cause they aren’t ripped like us,” Harry grinned.

“I wouldn’t date a guy with boobs,” I laughed.

“Me either,” Tom piped in.

“I would hope you aren’t dating guys anyway,” Dougie laughed.

“Okay! I can’t take it anymore! I have to know the surprise!” Katie shouted while tackling me onto the floor. “KIRSTIE! TELL ME!”

”NOT YET!” I laughed uncontrollably.

”TELL ME!” Katie shouted.

”NO! IT’S A SECRET!” I grinned.

”YOU HAVE TO TELL ME!” She went on.

“Kirst, just tell her,” Tom smiled.

“Okay….” I trailed off. ”YOU’RE COMING ON TOUR WITH US!”

“Oh my gosh….are you serious?” Katie questioned while looking around at all the boys and then back to me.

“If you want to,” Tom told her.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to though,” Harry said, trying to make her not feel pressured.

“Yes she does!” I squealed.

“I will!” Katie beamed and I tackled her in a giant hug.

I have been on every tour with the boys and it’s always a ton of fun but this is going to be the best tour ever! Then maybe Katie will wise up and break up with that jerk of a boyfriend she has…since I'm pretty sure she likes my brother and I know he likes her. My brother is about as running into a pole and Katie is more so but she's my best friend.... I can read her and I'm pretty sure I'm reading correctly.
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so sad i only have a week and a half of freedom left before i have to go back to school :'(

Kirstie, Katie and McFly

OH KATIE!!!!!!