Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

That's Marvin

I told everyone that I was going to meet them at the airport while I went to see Chris. I drove took a cab to his place and paid the driver to keep the motor running while I ran in. I knew he was working with Hanna today but I was going to the UK for a few months. I used my key and went inside, to a dead silent house. I honestly thought someone had robbed the place, the way pictures were on the floor and stuff was thrown around. I saw a high heel laying on the floor, assuming it was mine I picked it up. But it wasn't my size. You have to be kidding me. I quietly crept up the stairs and straight to his room, where the door was cracked slightly. I swung it open and I felt like I got punched in the throat. There they were, Chris and Hanna, doing what cheaters do.

“I'm leaving for the UK.” I stated, fighting back the angry sobs that were trying to get out.

“I.....uh......you didn't tell me you were coming, you dumb bitch!” He snapped. WHOA! He's getting mad at me!?

“You're the one cheating, asshole. Try not to get any STD's, I'm sure she's swimming with them.” I said, turning and going down the stairs.

I could hear Hanna screaming insults at me as I slammed the front door. I went straight to the airport and went through security and right to our gate. I could see Kirstie and the guys in the line to get on the plane. I quickly joined them, plastering a large fake smile for them. I stayed that way the entire flight, despite Kirstie and the guys asking me if I was alright. They were asking if we had broken up, I told them everything was totally fine. When the plane landed, hours later, I was exhausted from keeping everything inside.

“You're going to stay with Tom, Dougie, and I.” Kirstie said, nudging me lightly.

“You sure she doesn't wanna stay with me?” Danny teased, adding in a little wink.

“How about, no.” Kirstie said, taking my arm and pulling me with to get our bags. Once we were out of earshot, she sighed and looked at me. “Now really, are you okay?” She asked. I instantly shook my head as my hand flew up to cover my mouth, tears starting to form.

“Not here, please?” I begged, wiping my eyes on my sleeve quickly.

“We'll talk at home.” She said, gently patting my shoulder. She knew if she hugged me, I would start bawling right in the middle of the airport.

“Hey, can we get outta here? I'm a little too tired to be attack by fans.” Harry said, poking Kirstie.

She nodded and we all grabbed our things, shoving them in cabs and heading off. Kirstie showed me around her home and showed me to the room I was staying in, which was her room. Since Dougie was staying there as well, we were sharing a room. She tried to make me laugh by saying it would be like a really long sleepover. She eventually gave up on the happy stuff and sat me down with her.

“So.....tell me what's going on.” She said calmly.

“You were right. Chris was cheating on me, with Hanna.” I said, my voice cracking.

“Oh, Katie.” She said, pulling me into a hug, now that we weren't in public. I just started crying, awfully loudly. But she didn't say anything, she just comforted me like a friend should.

“Do you want the guys to beat him up? Harry is pretty tough.” She said, actually making me laugh.

“Let's not have them arrested.” I said, laughing a little while tears still spilled down my face.

“I know what will make you feel better. Wait here.” She said, getting up and leaving the room. A few minutes later, she came back with something wrapped in a blanket. She put it in my arms and moved the blanket to reveal a furry little face.

“Oh my god! This cat is so cute!” I said with a big smile.

“That's Marvin. He usually doesn't like strangers but I noticed him sniffing your stuff.” She said. A little furry paw came up and tapped my face, then his little nose touched mine. “Aw! He's giving you kisses!” She giggled, clapping her hands.

“I might just to steal him.” I said, scratching behind his ears.

“I think Tom might let you.” She said quietly.

As upset as I was earlier this morning, I was so happy to be far away from Chris and maybe get a fresh start. And if it doesn't work out, Marvin seems to like me.
♠ ♠ ♠
That cat is so damn cute, I can't even stand it!
Hurricane Irene is here tomorrow, the bitch.
so I'll probably not be on but i'll be on Monday..............after school :P BOOO

