Just Look Into My Eyes, Cause the Heart Never Lies

Get Your Stinky Feet Off My Dash!

So Katie has been here in England for a few days now. She has been doing so much better and she seems a lot more like herself, I think Chris really was putting her down but now she’s back to the Katie we all know and love. We’re heading out on tour this morning and Katie was upstairs getting ready while I was eating breakfast with Dougie and Tom.

“Thank you guys for being so nice to Katie, it really means a lot to me and I know it means a lot to her too. She really needs some good influences in her life and really just people who care about her and show her what actually is a good relationship,” I said to them.

“It’s a shame that the Chris guy was such a jerk to her. No one deserves that,” Dougie spoke up.

“Especially someone as sweet as Katie is,” Tom added. “I can’t believe he would throw away his relationship with someone like her.”

I just smiled to myself and kept my mouth shut as hard as that is for me. Eventually, Dougie went upstairs to grab his bags for the trip leaving my brother and I together.

“Why are you smiling at me like that?” Tom questioned.

“What? Can’t I smile?” I asked.

“You’re thinking something,” He smirked. “I know you Kirst, that’s not just a happy smile. You’re up to something…what is it?”

“Oh nothing,” I sang with a mischievous smile.

“Oh it’s something,” Tom laughed. “Tell me!”

I leaned back in my chair and smiled, “I think you like Katie.”

”What?” He shot at me. “I do not!”

“You’re getting awful defensive,” I sang with a giggle.

“I mean, yeah she’s a nice girl and all but I don’t like her in that way,” Tom battled.

“Whatever you say,” I smiled, hugging him and kissing his cheek and went up to find Katie.

She grabbed her bags and I got mine and we all tossed our stuff into the back of my truck and went to the other band house where Danny and Harry were staying. I kind of didn’t want Danny to stay with Katie when she first got here because Danny is extremely flirty, that’s just the way he is and I knew Katie would be fine but I wanted her to get to know him a little more before having to stay with him so then Harry offered to go stay with Danny.

“Tom! Dougie! You guys ready?” I shouted.

”Shotgun!” I heard Dougie yelling while running out the door.

Katie and I laughed and I got in the drivers seat while Tom and Katie piled in the backseat awww how cute. I turned the key and popped in my Wolfmother CD and got going but then Dougie was making himself comfortable and put his feet up on the dashboard.

“Ew, get your stinky feet off my dash,” I said while pushing his feet off.

“Don’t hurt Kirstie’s truck or she’ll murder you, it’s her baby,” Tom snickered.

“And you say this like I don’t know?” Dougie laughed while I smacked his arm.

“You still haven’t gotten your Porsche?” Katie asked.

“No, I don’t have enough money for that,” I laughed. “That’s going to take me a lifetime to buy that car.”

“Well, you do have a famous brother,” Tom smiled while poking his head up in the front seat.

“And some famous friends,” Dougie grinned.

“You guys don’t need to buy me a car, especially one that expensive,” I told them.

“Kirstie, you never want anything!” Tom pouted.

“Yeah, you are the hardest person to buy a birthday or Christmas present for,” Dougie whined.

“You two just don’t know how to shop!” Katie giggled.

“Hey, I don’t make it hard, I don’t want you to buy me anything,” I laughed. “Well… maybe some foot deodorant that I could regift to Dougie so he doesn’t get his stink on my dashboard!” I shouted while shoving his feet off the dash…again causing everyone to crack up.

“Danny can get pretty smelly feet though, his are worse than mine,” Dougie said.

“True,” Tom and I both agreed.

“You guys are making me really excited for this tour,” Katie sarcastically said.

“Well it’s too late now,” I laughed as Harry and Danny came running out.

The boys hopped in as we headed to the studio where the tour bus was. McFly tour here we come!
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Marvin is super cute. I'm usually not a cat person but he's adorable!

