Status: One-Shot =]

Memories, Where'd You Go?

You Were All I've Ever Known

He walks along the hallway, the dark, creepy hallway, until he stumbles upon a door. The door is not labeled, and when he tries to turn the knob, desperate to get out, he is saddened by the realization that it is locked.

He does not remember how he got here, or even what his name is. He has forgotten everything; from his parents to his first kiss (of which he isn’t even sure happened) to his birthday, or the town he lived in. He had been hoping that somehow, in this long, dark hallway, he would regain his memory. But sadly, that has not yet happened.

Oh memories, where’d you go?

He continues walking, his demeanor becoming a bit more hopeless with every step he takes. He tries to remember things, but when he does, his mind becomes blank, like a sheet of paper waiting to be filled by an artist’s thoughts.

Lost in his thoughts, he trips over something and falls to the cold, hard floor. He sits up and turns around, searching for what he tripped over. He finally sees it; it’s a leg, possibly a woman’s leg. He starts to back away, wondering if the individual is alive, or dead.

He jumps when the leg moves, and stops where he is. A low groan emits from the shadows surrounding the body, making it so that all he sees is, again, the leg. The groan turns into an ‘Ow…’, and the man now knows that the person is indeed a woman.

A few seconds later, the leg starts inching forward, bring the rest of the body with it. This woman is beautiful, the man soon comes to find out. She has long, flowing, auburn hair, fair skin, and brown eyes so dark, he can’t tell where the iris ends and the pupil begins. She looks up at him with those dark eyes and tilts her head in wonder.

“Who are you?” She asks him, watching him with a scrutinizing glare, possibly because of the fact that he tripped over her. He opens his mouth to reply and remembers that he doesn’t know. So, he sits there looking at her, with his mouth agape.

“Well? Do you not know your own name?” She asks. He shakes his head sorrowfully and hangs his head. He feels her hand touch his shoulder and looks up to meet her eyes.

“It’s okay. I don’t either.” She whispers, her warm, mint tinged breath caressing his face. He suddenly has the urge to press his lips to her pale, soft looking ones. She looks at him and he sees in her eyes that she has the same urge.

Suddenly, her lips are against his and his eyes are fluttering closed as sparks are sent down his spine.

Flashes of light are visible against the backs of his eyelids and his mind is flooded with scenes of what looks like someone’s life. He soon realizes that it is his life that he is watching. He gets images of when he was little; his first day of school; his first friend, who was a little girl with short, auburn colored hair and dark eyes.

He brings the woman closer to him, wanting to see more. The need of seeing his past, his lost memories, overpowers his very being. As their tongues start to battle for control, he starts seeing more.

He sees his first day of high school, being teased because of his skinny, gangly body and pale, ghost-like skin. He sees himself sitting at home, in his room, crying and holding the small, sharp knife to his arm and slicing away, letting all of his hurt out. Then, he sees a girl busting into the room and yelling at him for hurting himself. He starts crying harder and she brings him to her, cradling his fragile body in her arms.

The man sees her press her lips against his teenaged lips and he’s suddenly back to reality. He has remembered everything that he had lost and is now looking into the eyes of who he now knows is his girlfriend, Amelia. The look in her eyes shows that she has now remembered everything, too.

“L-Leo?” She asks, confusion written all over her face. Leo looks around at the hallway, suddenly remembering how to get out. He stands up and looks around, recognizing the empty high school hallway. He and Amelia are now seniors and they had been locked in, not realizing it until they tried to open the doors. Leo had tripped and fallen down the stairs, bringing Amelia with him.

He had briefly lost his memory, but now it was back, with the help of his love. He looks over at her and she’s got a smile on her face, glad to have her memory back.

“Amelia.” He says and brings her to him. Her arms wrap around his neck and they sit together for a long time. He pulls away and looks deep into her eyes. “Amelia, you’re all I’ve ever known. I love you.” She smiles and brings him to her again.

“I love you, too.” She whispers. “I love you, too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title also belongs to P!ATD's song Memories. Comments?
