Sink or Swim

What if the Devil was a lie

“Ronnie, you’re blocking my view!” I complained, taking the TV remote and smacking it on my brother’s arm.

“The fuck is your problem?” he asked, obviously pissed.

“You are.” I smiled as he huffed out a sigh and moved out of my way and into the small kitchen.

“Chassity, you’re such a little manipulative bitch!” Ronnie shot jokingly.

“I love you too!” I hollered.

“I can’t believe you’re only 7 and you know all this stuff!” Ronnie said in disbelief.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah…” I mumbled, turning my attention back to the gory movie in front of me on the TV screen, Dracula.

“Anyway, are you going to call Max?” I asked sweetly, half way turning my head to somewhat properly ask Ronnie.

“No, I wasn’t planning on it, why?” he asks, partly concerned.

“’Cause I want to go to Jack in the Box, that’s why!” I screamed excitedly.

Ronnie sighed. “You know we don’t have a car, right?”

My mouth agape, I sigh. “Damnit, there’s only one more option!”


Ronnie looked at me awkwardly, eyes wide and mouth in an ‘o’ shape.

“You’ve got to be kidding me! There is NO way we’re piggy backing to Jack in the Box, when Max can just pick us up in his car!” Ronnie protested.

“Well what if Max is already at Jack in the Box? WE GOTTA GO! WE GOTTTA GO! WE GOTTA GO RONNIE!” I cried dramatically, racing over to him as fast as my little legs would carry me as I gripped my whole body around his leg, begging that we piggy back to Jack in the Box.

About to say something, Ronnie ends up stopping and sighing. “Okay, fine, we’ll go.”

I started to jump up and down excitedly, while still holding on to Ronnie’s leg. In mid-way of my jumping, I gaze up at him with my little chocolate brown eyes. His expression is complete shock and he looks slightly uncomfortable.

“Can you please stop humping my leg?” he asks nicely, despite his shocked expression.

I smiled big. “Okay!” I got off of his pant leg as he walked into his small room, with me triumphantly following behind.

We lived in a small manageable house, that wasn’t all that big. It was a one story, with very little room space. My older brother Riley got his own room on the other side of the house, while I had to share one with Ronnie. Our dad was gone all of the time, because he worked hard for our family of 4.

4 as in, Ronnie, Riley, our dad and me. The thing is that my brothers and I don’t have a mother. She left a few months after I was born, or so Ronnie told me. We don’t usually talk about her much anymore; because of the way she left us.

Ronnie kicked open the door to his small room. There were Iron Maiden, Haste the Day and some other band posters hanging on the plain white walls closest to the door. The other side only had one small Iron Maiden poster by the bedside.

We split the room up half and half. He got the side closest to the door and I got the side farthest. Ronnie’s pairs of Converse and sneakers were scattered around his side, while I was a neat freak. “We’ll go in a minute, but first, I need to find a pair of Converse that’ll actually fit me.”

Yep, Ronnie always kept the shoes from previous years. It sometimes freaked me out and got a little creepy, but after living with someone like him for 7, almost 8 years of your life, you learn to understand a few things about that person. Especially one who was abandoned by his mother when he was 9, almost 10 years old. Especially if that specific person is Ronnie Radke.

Once Ronnie laced up his size 7 Converse shoes, he looked down at me. “Ready to go Chassity?”

I nodded as we strode out the door, Ronnie stuffing a wad of 5 dollar bills into his two front pockets.
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