
The Almost Relationship

"Are you two dating yet?" That was the question that was always asked.

But our answer never changed.

"This isn't awkward, right?" I asked, placing my hands on Jordan's shoulders as he placed his on my waist.

"Going to prom together? No, friends do it all the time." He replied.

I shrugged, "Yeah, but do they share slow dances?"

"If you go to a prom, you have to slow dance at least once." He informed me with a smile.

I remember rolling my eyes at him. We continued to chat as we danced, we didn't notice that we were getting closer to each other. By the time I even realized how close we were, we were already wrapped up in a kiss.

We both pulled away and back away from each other. My heart was racing, were we going to be a couple? Jordan liked me, and I liked him. Something had to come from this.

"What just happened?" Jordan asked cautiously. He looked flushed.

"A reminiscence of our 8th grade dance when we first kissed?" I offered, trying to make the situation less awkward.

He blinked a few times before focusing on me, "We're not dating, are we?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know. Are we?"

"Do you want to?"

"Do you want to?"

He sighed in frustration before grabbing my hand and gently tugging me away from the dance floor and outside. "What are we?" He asked once we were outside.

"I don't know. Neither of us asked the other one out." I replied, trying to get him to ask me out. He and I always sort of liked each other in a romantic way, it would make ssense for us to at least try dating.

He opened his mouth to save something, but he shut it a second later. I felt my shoulder droop, nothing was going to change between us. "It'll be awkward."

I nodded, trying to hide my disappointment. "Right," I agreed, "Let's forget this happened."

He smiled at me, "Forget what happened?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Real funny." I chuckled.

Junior Prom was the closest we ever got to actually dating.

No, we're not dating.
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