Status: Contemplating re-writing this.

I Never Dreamt Because I'm Just Too Busy

Let's Get Carried Away

My jaw nearly dropped. “No way.”

“Yeah.” He smiled, “I’m older though, by a year. “

“It seems so…”

“Impossible?” Marco grinned.

“Yeah, that.”

“I know. Marshal can be…”

“A bit of an ass?”

He laughed. “Yeah. But in his own way, he’s trying to cover up the fact he’s so insecure.”

“I resent that…” Marshal trailed off slowly shoving his way past us.

Marco laughed again, “What did he do? And what did you do to him for doing it?”

“He wouldn’t leave me alone, so I made him.”

He shook his head. “I think you just became my new best friend.”


“Okay, no. What gets me is the fact that they overreact to everything!” I laughed.

Marco had us watching some teenage sitcom that was on tv, for lack of something better to do. Before I knew it though, we were talking about the girl characters on movies and such, and that led to us talking about girls in general.

“Yes! So the boy you liked asked some girl out other than you. You don’t have to cry I mean, c’mon. If he didn’t ask you he probably wasn’t interested. I can see if he said he was going with you, but that’s different because he got your hopes up.”

“That too! And then there’s those girls who are so overprotective and jealous all the time. ‘Oh what the hell are you doing talking to my boyfriend, whore?’” I mimicked in a girly tone.

“And then it’s like, ‘You know she’s just my cousin…’” Marco spoke in a deep voice.

I laughed. “And then they wonder why their boyfriends don’t want to be with them anymore.”

“I know. And then there’s those guys who won’t break up with a girl, but just go behind their back and get someone new. I mean really? Stop being an idiot and tell her you don’t like her like you used to. She’ll get hurt either way, but at least if you tell her straight up she’s not going to be as broken.” He sighed, “If that’s one thing I hate it’s dishonesty.”

“Same here. What’s the point in sneaking around. You’re just acting like a coward.” Pause. “You know what else? Girls are a little bit too obsessed with looks.”

Marco gave me a questioning glance.

“No! I don’t mean you should dress like a slob, but don’t go overboard. I mean, it’s okay to take pride in your appearance, but don’t set everything on that. If someone’s going to like you it should be for your personality, and not how you look.”

“That’s the problem with society though. Everything’s set on this standard that you have to be good looking to be worth anything. Which really isn’t true at all. In all of this most boys are too immature to see past how good a girl may look in a dress, to the depth of them. Just because they look good, doesn’t mean that they’re a good person.”

I was shocked that he thought this way. Most boys never seemed to think anything like this. I’m not going to lie, it kind of impressed me.

It was my turn to look at him funny.


“Nothing.” I shook my head. “It’s just you have a better grip on reality than most boys. You’re not hung up on the same things, and you certainly don’t act the same.”

He laughed, “Well, what can I say. I used to think like that, but I grew out of it. Unfortunately I can’t say the same for other guys.”

Silence. All I heard the hum of conversation downstairs.

“You’re not like most girls yourself. You’re not hung up on some fairytale dream where you’re a princess and everyone else is beneath you.”

“That’s because I was never treated like one.” I made a face. “I guess that’s a good thing though, considering I don’t have my head in the clouds all the time.”

“You’re rational, and I think that’s a nice quality. You don’t expect for everything to go your way, so you’re not let down when it doesn’t. But at the same time, it has its drawbacks. You don’t think you’re worth much as a result, and in combination with your strength of mind you refuse to let anyone see that. Which isn’t very good because it leaves you alone with your thoughts of ‘I’m not worth anything’, which isn’t true at all.”

I looked at my lap. “Yeah. I suppose that’s true. In a way, I think it’s a good thing I’m this way. I refuse to change myself for anyone, because if I’m acting like something I’m not, then who am I really? If someone’s going to like me, it should be for who I am on the inside.” I sighed. “But then there’s times where I wonder if my standards are too high, and that it’s pointless to think that any boy would like me. I’m not gorgeous like most girls. Plus, if I haven’t me someone yet, who’s to say there’s anyone out there for me at all?”

“Don’t say that. The world’s a big place. You just haven’t met the right person yet.” He gave me a smile, “For what it’s worth, I think you’re one of the only girls I’ve ever met that was beautiful and had a personality perfect enough to match.”

“Thanks, but–”

He put his finger to my lips, “Don’t argue with me. You’ve felt unappreciated for so long that you’re starting to believe it. And that’s not right. The world needs more girls like you.” I shook my head. “What’s it going to take for you to believe you’re as great as I say?”


“I think you need someone to show you just how perfect you are.” He paused, “Maybe that person could be me?”

I stiffened. Was he really asking me this?

“What do you mean?”

“What I’m saying is, would you like to go on a date with me?”
♠ ♠ ♠
i want to edit this more, but i'm in a rush to leave.