Sequel: Our Lady of sorrows

I will die in this place.


I slurped the last of my yogert cheerioes and the yummy orange juice from Grandma befor facing Frank.

"Do you think I might have like had some crack or somthing." Sorry but my knowlage of drugs were at a minimu today i didn't really care and wasn't about to worry my head over it anyhow.

Frank picked at his skull headed shoes and said nothing it seemed somthing was really bothering Frank let alone me. For one i was still trying to convince my self that this was indeed my old grandmothers house and my old grandmother who lived in it.

"Well If I did have somthing. . . do you thinnk its gone?" I asked bitting my lip. Frank probably could be a doctor if he worked a little harder in highschool. But Frankly, Frank (A/N: sry bout that frankly frank teehee) wasn't all that ambisious about that sorta stuff.

"Mikey don't get all worked up it was probably somthing tinny Other wise you probably would be in a hospital. Do you feel a craving for anything? Or want somthing right now."

I had to think about this one I wanted somthing but drugs had nothing to do with it. I shock my head. "No not really but Every thing still feels really different."

Frank looked me up and down like a three legged puppy. "Mikey you look fine to me-" He stop short and his expression changed drasticaly. ". . .whats that." He came up and pointed to my eye. I turned facing the living room mirror. a large black bub exeeded the edge of my left eye lid almost easy to miss. It was about the size of a dime, looked almost as if i put on make-up or somthing.

"Holy cow was that there earlier?" I put my finger nere but dicided not to poke it in case it got bigger or stung or somthing like that.

Frank just gave a puzzling look twords me. Putting his fingers to his lips he sat back down in the kitchen chair. Making a squeak as the wood hit the tile.

"Frank what does it mean? Was it there before Frank why are you staring at me tell me what this is!" But frank only looked at me in horror as he left the room pounding steps the shoke the house. Pasing over and over the same circle. I was really mad he wasn't going to share his thoughts. I mean what if it was a bit or a cancer lump or a drug mark.

"Mikey will you cool it! god. . ." It seemed like another ten minuets before he said more to me. " . . . That looks like a mark from meth. . ."

"Okay and, This means what? Will it go away?" But Frank shooed away my questions in order to give himself "more time to think Mikey!"

I soon got bored of watching Frankie sit infront of rock vidoes that played on Mtv, I hardly called that 'thinking'. So i walked around Granny house which smelt alittle different and Had a different feel to it it was cold and less welcoming then it had when I remebered it back two summers ago. Step after step I found myself coming twards a door I hadn't remeber ever seeing. It had a brass knob about the size of my wrist cover in blue paint.

Strangley and with out any comand from the brain I turned around and made sur eno one had followed me I felt somthing very big behind this door, I could feel it I put my hand to the knob and twisted. At fiorst it wouldn't budg but the secound time it oped smoother then butter. Just like it might not have been sure to let me in.

The door slid open with a mini=mal creek and I stepped inside it was colder then the rest of granma'shouse. The windows had frost, But it was early summer. The floor was filled with white dust and old toys. jack in the boxes toy trucks, dolls, balls, ping pong padles. Old toys. I didn't like it in her somthing in this room gave me the hebeejeebies. I closed the door relieved to find the normal tempurature again. I muttered somthing I couldn't understand.

"Forgotten. . ."

I wipped around but no one was there.

"its just you Mikey no bodys her but old toys. nobody. . "