Sequel: Our Lady of sorrows

I will die in this place.

Granny goodbye

I looked at a picture on the table It was giving me lots of memories, of me and Gee as little kids, sweet and smart. Small and well. . .just little us. I was catching a tear that was falling from my glasses. On grandma's casket, Gerard wasn't here. They said I couldn't tell him. But why, They killed Grama I was sure of it.

I dusted the top of her casket and returned full focuse to the rest of the funeral session. It was sad to just see a wooden box. I was the only one that showed. Just me. Me and Grandma. She died, they say, From a hip fracture and loss of blood, But I knew it was just a cover up. The had killed her. It was obvious to me. Why couldn't anyone else see that.

By this time you would probably be asking: "MIKEY GOD< TELL US WHO 'THEY' Are already!" But for what its worth I don't know who they are I know who's in They but not who. I know it sounds like I'm on some crazy drug right now but Im not, Its so much worse.

"And may she rest in peace." The last and only words I had payed any mind to, The only shit I cared to here