Status: Very Much Alive

My Kingdom for a Kiss


Evangeline was woken by a soft knock on her chamber doors.

She sighed, still sleepy. She opened the deep purple, heavy curtains of her canopy bed and stretched.

Once she had got out 0f bed, she realized the frightening scene before her. Arthur
Pendragon, sleeping at her table.

Rolling her eyes, she resisted the violent urge to kick him and answered the door.

''My lady!'' A peasant maiden bowed lightly, opening her mouth to continue, but she was staring into Evangeline's chambers, her mouth agape.

Evangeline's brows came together in confusion. She followed her eyes and nearly smacked herself.

The handmaiden had seen Arthur.

Evangeline could only imagine how it looked.

''I-I'm sorry to interrupt, my lady!'' She bowed again and hastily stammered off.

''Oh no! No, no, no, no!'' Evangeline bit her lip, shutting her door back quickly.

She put the pieces together. She, in a nightgown. Arthur sleeping over.
Angrily, she shook Arthur awake.

''If you don't go I swear I will murder you! Do you know what just happened?! Get up!''

Arthur winced as his heart pounded violently.

''What happened?'' He asked, his eyes soft with concern.

She scoffed, rubbing her eyes. ''Please just go! Please?'' She nearly begged, she just wanted to be alone and 500 miles away.

Arthur lightly touched her hand with his fingertips. He wanted to comfort her, but she never would let him.

Shivers climbed merrily up their spines, and Evangeline took her hand back, putting it behind her back.

Arthur sighed inaudibly, chewing on his lip.

''Do you know what just happened, Pendragon?'' She inquired, crossing her arms over her chest.

''You!'' She poked his chest. ''Fell asleep here after drunkenly stumbling into my chambers.
And now that peasant thinks something is going on between us. If anyone else assumes so, I will be more unpleasant than I already am.''

A knock on the door hindered her reassuring glare.

Merlin appeared, his smile falling into an expression of surprise and then to a giddy smile.

''Sorry to interrupt.'' He smirked, beginning to shut the door back.

Evangeline rolled her eyes. ''It is not what you think, Merlin.''

''I had to see if the rumors were true.'' He stepped back inside.

''Rumors?'' She asked, raising a brow. ''What rumors?''

''That you two...'' He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, gesturing between the two.

''No, Merlin! No! They are not true. When I find that simpleton, I swear!''

''Arthur here,'' She sneered his name, glaring up at him. ''being the drunkered that he is, waited for me in my chambers and fell asleep. Obviously, he was too heavy,''
Merlin held in a laugh.

''And I had to leave him there. Unfortunately, he wasn't gone when I woke. The maid saw him and assumed all that her little brain would allow.''

''Pendragon, please go. Before I loss my mind.'' She pointed sharply to the door. Restraining the urge to tackle him to the floor.

Arthur frowned lightly. ''As you wish.''

Merlin left with him, giving her a small wave.

Evangeline sighed once the door shut behind them, rubbing her eyes. She changed into a suitable morning gown and reluctantly left her chambers.

Morgana soon caught up with her, a bright smile adorning her lips.

''Have fun last night?'' She wiggled her eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

Evangeline nearly choked on the air she took in. ''You don't honestly believe that horrific tale!'' Her eyes wide.

''There is definitely some sexual tension between you two.'' Said Morgana.

This time Evangeline did choke on air, holding her heart feebily. ''Morgana! What would suggest that? Perhaps it's my obvious distaste for him? Or I suppose it has to be my burning desire to lock him in the dungeons!'' She dryly stated, shocked still yet.

Morgana smirked. ''Exactly that!'' She laughed.

Evangeline smacked her gently, holding a hand over her mouth in disgust.

Later that dreadful day of ignoring whispers and avoiding stares, Evangeline at last had a moment of solitude.

She sighed lightly, leaning against the cold stone corridor wall.

She would much rather have heard those whispers than to see the person she saw, walking down the corridor.

Her anger for his drunken acts flooded back swiftly and she met him halfway.

''They think we-... slept together.'' She whispered the last part, outraged at such an accusation.

Arthur could hardly react with words, his heart was far too busy mercilessly ripping through his chest.

''I'm sorry, Evangeline. I never would have done that if I were sober.'' His eyes soft with sorrow.

He hated that she constantly reassured him of her hatred for him.

Biting her lip, she felt slightly guilty for being so harsh to him always. But then she would remember what he had done.

Shaking her head, glaring at the stone floor, she hastily fled. She would love nothing less than for someone to see the two together in a deserted corridor.